Nonlinear separate spin evolution in degenerate electron-positron-ion plasmas

Z Iqbal, PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2016 -
The non-linear evolution of spin-electron acoustic, positron-acoustic, and spin-electron-
positron acoustic waves is considered. It is demonstrated that weakly nonlinear dynamics of …

Spin-electron acoustic soliton and exchange interaction in separate spin evolution quantum plasmas

PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2016 -
Separate spin evolution quantum hydrodynamics is generalized to include the Coulomb
exchange interaction, which is considered as interaction between the spin-down electrons …

Rich eight-branch spectrum of the oblique propagating longitudinal waves in partially spin-polarized electron-positron-ion plasmas

PA Andreev, Z Iqbal - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
We consider the separate spin evolution of electrons and positrons in electron-positron and
electron-positron-ion plasmas. We consider the oblique propagating longitudinal waves in …

Quantum hydrodynamic theory of quantum fluctuations in dipolar Bose–Einstein condensate

PA Andreev - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear …, 2021 -
Traditional quantum hydrodynamics of Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) is restricted by
the continuity and Euler equations. The quantum Bohm potential (the quantum part of the …

Nonlinear coupling of electromagnetic and spin-electron-acoustic waves in spin-polarized degenerate relativistic astrophysical plasma

PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2023 -
Propagation of the finite amplitude electromagnetic wave through the partially spin-polarized
degenerate plasmas leads to an instability. This instability happens due to the interaction of …

Surface spin-electron acoustic waves in magnetically ordered metals

PA Andreev, LS Kuz'Menkov - Applied Physics Letters, 2016 -
Degenerate plasmas with motionless ions show existence of three surface waves: the
Langmuir wave, the electromagnetic wave, and the zeroth sound. Applying the separated …

A transverse separate-spin-evolution streaming instability and new wave solutions in electron–positron–ion plasmas

Z Iqbal, PA Andreev, G Murtaza - Astrophysics and Space Science, 2019 - Springer
This paper presents the analysis of dispersion equation for transverse waves in magnetized
electron–positron–ion plasma in which electrons and positrons are counter streaming …

Spin-electron acoustic waves: The Landau dam** and ion contribution in the spectrum

PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2016 -
Separated spin-up and spin-down quantum kinetics is derived for more detailed research of
the spin-electron acoustic waves (SEAWs). This kinetic theory allows us to obtain the …

A new microscopic representation of spin dynamics in quantum systems with biquadratic exchange interactions

MI Trukhanova, P Andreev - Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2024 - Springer
There is a version of the Landau–Lifshitz equation that takes into account the Coulomb
exchange interactions between atoms, expressed by the term. On the other hand, ions in …

Spin-electron-acoustic waves and solitons in high-density degenerate relativistic plasmas

PA Andreev - Physics of Plasmas, 2022 -
Spin-electron-acoustic waves (sometimes called spin-plasmons) can be found in
degenerate electron gases if spin-up electrons and spin-down electrons move relatively …