Ultrafast second-order nonlinear photonics—from classical physics to non-Gaussian quantum dynamics: a tutorial
Photonic integrated circuits with second-order (χ (2)) nonlinearities are rapidly scaling to
remarkably low powers. At this time, state-of-the-art devices achieve saturated nonlinear …
remarkably low powers. At this time, state-of-the-art devices achieve saturated nonlinear …
Enhancing dispersive readout of superconducting qubits through dynamic control of the dispersive shift: Experiment and theory
The performance of a wide range of quantum computing algorithms and protocols depends
critically on the fidelity and speed of the employed qubit readout. Examples include gate …
critically on the fidelity and speed of the employed qubit readout. Examples include gate …
Observation of pairwise level degeneracies and the quantum regime of the Arrhenius law in a double-well parametric oscillator
By applying a microwave drive to a specially designed Josephson circuit, we have realized
a double-well model system: a Kerr oscillator submitted to a squeezing force. We have …
a double-well model system: a Kerr oscillator submitted to a squeezing force. We have …
Current fluctuations in open quantum systems: Bridging the gap between quantum continuous measurements and full counting statistics
Continuously measured quantum systems are characterized by an output current, in the form
of a stochastic and correlated time series, which conveys crucial information about the …
of a stochastic and correlated time series, which conveys crucial information about the …
Symmetry breaking and error correction in open quantum systems
Symmetry-breaking transitions are a well-understood phenomenon of closed quantum
systems in quantum optics, condensed matter, and high energy physics. However, symmetry …
systems in quantum optics, condensed matter, and high energy physics. However, symmetry …
Dissipative phase transitions and passive error correction
We classify different ways to passively protect classical and quantum information, ie, we do
not allow for syndrome measurements, in the context of local Lindblad models for spin …
not allow for syndrome measurements, in the context of local Lindblad models for spin …
The squeezed Kerr oscillator: spectral kissing and phase-flip robustness
By applying a microwave drive to a specially designed Josephson circuit, we have realized
an elementary quantum optics model, the squeezed Kerr oscillator. This model displays, as …
an elementary quantum optics model, the squeezed Kerr oscillator. This model displays, as …
Critical parametric quantum sensing
Critical quantum systems are a promising resource for quantum metrology applications, due
to the diverging susceptibility developed in proximity of phase transitions. Here, we assess …
to the diverging susceptibility developed in proximity of phase transitions. Here, we assess …
Loss-induced suppression, revival, and switch of photon blockade
Loss-induced transparency (LIT), featuring the revival of optical intensity by adding loss, has
been demonstrated in classical optics. However, a fundamental question has remained …
been demonstrated in classical optics. However, a fundamental question has remained …
Exact results for a boundary-driven double spin chain and resource-efficient remote entanglement stabilization
We derive an exact solution for the steady state of a setup where two XX-coupled N-qubit
spin chains (with possibly nonuniform couplings) are subject to boundary Rabi drives and …
spin chains (with possibly nonuniform couplings) are subject to boundary Rabi drives and …