ICRU REPORT 96, dosimetry-guided radiopharmaceutical therapy
The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), since its
inception in 1925, has had as its principal objective the development of internationally …
inception in 1925, has had as its principal objective the development of internationally …
Whole-body voxel-based internal dosimetry using deep learning
Purpose In the era of precision medicine, patient-specific dose calculation using Monte
Carlo (MC) simulations is deemed the gold standard technique for risk-benefit analysis of …
Carlo (MC) simulations is deemed the gold standard technique for risk-benefit analysis of …
Small-scale (sub-organ and cellular level) alpha-particle dosimetry methods using an iQID digital autoradiography imaging system
Targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy with alpha-particle emitters (αRPT) is advantageous
in cancer treatment because the short range and high local energy deposition of alpha …
in cancer treatment because the short range and high local energy deposition of alpha …
Preclinical voxel-based dosimetry in theranostics: a review
Due to the increasing use of preclinical targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT) studies for the
development of novel theranostic agents, several studies have been performed to accurately …
development of novel theranostic agents, several studies have been performed to accurately …
Personalized dosimetry for liver cancer Y-90 radioembolization using computational fluid dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation
Abstract Yttrium-90 (Y-90) transarterial radioembolization uses radioactive microspheres
injected into the hepatic artery to irradiate liver tumors internally. One of the major …
injected into the hepatic artery to irradiate liver tumors internally. One of the major …
Whole-body voxel-based personalized dosimetry: the multiple voxel S-value approach for heterogeneous media with nonuniform activity distributions
Personalized dosimetry with high accuracy is becoming more important because of the
growing interest in personalized medicine and targeted radionuclide therapy. Voxel-based …
growing interest in personalized medicine and targeted radionuclide therapy. Voxel-based …
Recent advances in voxel-based targeted radionuclide therapy dosimetry
GSP Mok, YK Dewaraja - Quantitative Imaging in Medicine …, 2021 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
© Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. All rights reserved. Quant Imaging Med
Surg 2021; 11 (2): 483-489| http://dx. doi. org/10.21037/qims-20-1006 distance for common …
Surg 2021; 11 (2): 483-489| http://dx. doi. org/10.21037/qims-20-1006 distance for common …
Physics‐driven learning of x‐ray skin dose distribution in interventional procedures
Purpose Radiation doses accumulated during very complicated image‐guided x‐ray
procedures have the potential to cause stochastic, but also deterministic effects, such as skin …
procedures have the potential to cause stochastic, but also deterministic effects, such as skin …
Dose voxel kernel prediction with neural networks for radiation dose estimation
Background Currently there is an ever increasing interest in Lu-177 targeted radionuclide
therapies, which target neuro-endocrine and prostate tumours. For a patient-specific …
therapies, which target neuro-endocrine and prostate tumours. For a patient-specific …
Development of a GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo dose calculation module for nuclear medicine, ARCHER-NM: demonstration for a PET/CT imaging procedure
Z Peng, Y Lu, Y Xu, Y Li, B Cheng, M Ni… - Physics in Medicine …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Objective. This paper describes the development and validation of a GPU-accelerated
Monte Carlo (MC) dose computing module dedicated to organ dose calculations of …
Monte Carlo (MC) dose computing module dedicated to organ dose calculations of …