Head-worn adaptive display
JD Haddick, RF Osterhout - US Patent 10,539,787, 2020 - Google Patents
US10539787B2 - Head-worn adaptive display - Google Patents US10539787B2 - Head-worn
adaptive display - Google Patents Head-worn adaptive display Download PDF Info Publication …
adaptive display - Google Patents Head-worn adaptive display Download PDF Info Publication …
Eyepiece with uniformly illuminated reflective display
RF Osterhout, JD Haddick, RM Lohse… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
2013-07-11 Assigned to OSTERHOUT GROUP, INC. reassignment OSTERHOUT GROUP,
System and method for a cloud computing abstraction layer with security zone facilities
FR Martinez, E Pulier - US Patent 9,069,599, 2015 - Google Patents
In embodiments of the present invention improved capabili ties are described for a
virtualization environment adapted for development and deployment of at least one software …
virtualization environment adapted for development and deployment of at least one software …
Inter-cloud broker for hybrid cloud networks
DWS Chang, CH Yang, M Anantha… - US Patent …, 2018 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A cloud broker gateway interfaces with an enterprise net work and one or
more public cloud networks, including a first public cloud and a second public cloud. The …
more public cloud networks, including a first public cloud and a second public cloud. The …
Performance-based public cloud selection for a hybrid cloud environment
DW Chang, RM Pathak - US Patent 10,067,780, 2018 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A hybrid cloud solution for securely extending a private cloud or network to
a public cloud can be enhanced with tools for evaluating the resources offered by multiple …
a public cloud can be enhanced with tools for evaluating the resources offered by multiple …
System and method for social networking gaming with an augmented reality
JD Haddick, RF Osterhout, RM Lohse - US Patent 8,814,691, 2014 - Google Patents
US8814691B2 - System and method for social networking gaming with an augmented reality
- Google Patents US8814691B2 - System and method for social networking gaming with an …
- Google Patents US8814691B2 - System and method for social networking gaming with an …
See-through near-eye display glasses with a fast response photochromic film system for quick transition from dark to clear
JN Border, RF Osterhout - US Patent 9,129,295, 2015 - Google Patents
US9129295B2 - See-through near-eye display glasses with a fast response photochromic film
system for quick transition from dark to clear - Google Patents US9129295B2 - See-through …
system for quick transition from dark to clear - Google Patents US9129295B2 - See-through …
Grating in a light transmissive illumination system for see-through near-eye display glasses
GD Miller, JN Border, RF Osterhout - US Patent 9,097,890, 2015 - Google Patents
US9097890B2 - Grating in a light transmissive illumination system for see-through near-eye
display glasses - Google Patents US9097890B2 - Grating in a light transmissive …
display glasses - Google Patents US9097890B2 - Grating in a light transmissive …
Key generation for hierarchical data access
GB Roth, MR Barbour, BJ Behm, CM Ilac… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
TO73, 195 B2 7/2006 Brickell et al. 2006/0100928 A1 5/2006 Waleczak, Jr. et al. 739,917 B2
11/2006 Jablon 2006, O130 100 A1 6, 2006 Pentland 7,228.417 B2 6/2007 Roskind …
11/2006 Jablon 2006, O130 100 A1 6, 2006 Pentland 7,228.417 B2 6/2007 Roskind …
Hybrid cloud security groups
M Arregoces, N Bagepalli… - US Patent 10,462,136, 2019 - Google Patents
In one embodiment, a request may be received from a first cloud network of a hybrid cloud
environment to transmit data to a second cloud network of the hybrid cloud envi ronment …
environment to transmit data to a second cloud network of the hybrid cloud envi ronment …