Teachers' personality types and their attitude toward receiving and employing postobservation feedback

P Javahery, J Kamali - Psychology in the Schools, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Classroom observation has been long considered a powerful tool for evaluating and
monitoring teachers' performance and progress. Teachers can benefit from the feedback …

Classroom observation for professional development: Views of EFL teachers and observers

E Alshehri - Arab World English Journal: Special Issue: Application …, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
This study interviewed nine English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and seven EFL
observers to explore their perceptions towards classroom observation. Results showed nine …

Head teacher's instructional supervision in public primary schools of Nyaruguru District, Rwanda: Challenges and mitigations

A Nsengimana, I Sibomana, JF Maniraho - African Journal of Empirical …, 2024 - ajol.info
The study aimed to investigate the challenges of head teachers' instructional supervision in
public primary schools in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda, and propose mitigation strategies …

ELT teachers' and school principals' perspectives regarding the supervisory process in Turkey

ZB Ikwuegbu - Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
This study, with an aim to understand English language teaching (ELT) teachersand school
principalsperspectives regarding the supervisory process in Turkey, adopted a qualitative …

Post-Teaching Observation Feedback in the United Arab Emirates: College Mentor and Student-Teacher Perspectives

S Hyde - 2024 - search.proquest.com
School-based practice (SBP) has long been considered an integral component of effective
initial teacher education programmes. During SBP, mentor feedback is generally perceived …

English Language Teacher Evaluation in Saudi Arabia: Impact on teacher practice and challenges for program managers and leaders

A Ahmad - 2023 - figshare.le.ac.uk
Successful learning greatly depends on teaching quality, which is a significant challenge in
education today. The main purpose of this evaluative case study was to investigate the …

[CARTE][B] The Post-observation Conference: An Exploration of Feedback Strategies

DM Fare - 2021 - search.proquest.com
The post-observation conference is valuable, dedicated time for a teacher to focus their
discussion on their own instruction and instructional delivery. This experience serves as an …

Advice and Suggestion Giving as Related to Politeness Strategies Used in Post-Observation Meetings in Universities in Egypt

WEAO Sedkey, HM Aref, NW Methias - مجلة کلية الآداب. جامعة …, 2024‎ - journals.ekb.eg
Post-observation meeting (POM) is a meeting held between a teacher who has recently
been observed in the classroom, with a supervisor in order to discuss specific events that …

Investigating Power and Politeness in Institutional Discourse in Post-Observation Meetings: A Report of an Open-ended Questionnaire

علي, وليد عماد - المجلة العلمیة لکلیة الآداب-جامعة دمياط, 2024‎ - artdau.journals.ekb.eg
A post-observation meeting is a type of speech event of teacher training that takes place
within the institutional/educational settings. In this meeting the supervisor offers support and …

Making Sense of Observation Feedback: How Do Teachers Decide What to Do with It?

KF Shaw - 2022 - search.proquest.com
One common method for school improvement focuses on improving teacher instruction
through observations with feedback in post-conferences. While school leaders dedicate …