Catalytic pyrolysis as a platform technology for supporting the circular carbon economy
Catalytic pyrolysis, a process that combines pyrolysis and vapour-phase catalytic upgrading,
is a versatile technology platform capable of direct liquefaction of biomass and waste plastic …
is a versatile technology platform capable of direct liquefaction of biomass and waste plastic …
Recent developments in lignocellulosic biomass catalytic fast pyrolysis: Strategies for the optimization of bio-oil quality and yield
Catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP) is an attractive approach to convert biomass to high-quality bio-
oil through the deoxygenation of pyrolysis vapors in the form of H 2 O, CO, and CO 2 …
oil through the deoxygenation of pyrolysis vapors in the form of H 2 O, CO, and CO 2 …
Biomass pyrolysis mechanism for carbon-based high-value products
The utilization of biomass, the only carbon-bearing renewable energy source, is critical for
environmental and energy sustainability as well as carbon neutrality. Pyrolysis is the efficient …
environmental and energy sustainability as well as carbon neutrality. Pyrolysis is the efficient …
Catalytic fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: critical role of zeolite catalysts
Catalytic fast pyrolysis (CFP) is a promising technology that can allow the conversion of
biomass into transportable fuels. Despite its advantages in terms of simplicity and economic …
biomass into transportable fuels. Despite its advantages in terms of simplicity and economic …
Inherent metal elements in biomass pyrolysis: a review
One of the main drawbacks of using biomass as pyrolysis feedstock consists of the huge
variability of the different biomass resources which undermines the viability of downstream …
variability of the different biomass resources which undermines the viability of downstream …
Catalyst deactivation and its mitigation during catalytic conversions of biomass
Biofuel or biochemical production from biomass, especially lignocellulosic biomass, is the
most promising option to replace fossil-based products to achieve sustainability. However …
most promising option to replace fossil-based products to achieve sustainability. However …
[PDF][PDF] Potential synergies of drop‐in biofuel production with further co‐processing at oil refineries
Drop‐in biofuels have been defined as functionally equivalent to petroleum‐based
transportation fuels and are fully compatible with the existing petroleum infrastructure. They …
transportation fuels and are fully compatible with the existing petroleum infrastructure. They …
A critical review on metal-based catalysts used in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass materials
This review discusses the technical aspects of improving the efficiency of the pyrolysis of
lignocellulosic materials to increase the yield of the main products, which are bio-oil …
lignocellulosic materials to increase the yield of the main products, which are bio-oil …
Review on aging of bio-oil from biomass pyrolysis and strategy to slowing aging
Bio-oil from biomass pyrolysis is a promising alternative and clean source of biofuels,
chemicals, and materials. Its chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, and …
chemicals, and materials. Its chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, and …
A perspective on catalytic hydropyrolysis of biomass
Recent research has shown that catalytic hydropyrolysis is a promising method for
production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels from lignocellulosic biomass. However, only limited …
production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels from lignocellulosic biomass. However, only limited …