Grøstl-a SHA-3 candidate
Grøstl – a SHA-3 candidate Page 1 Grøstl – a SHA-3 candidate ∗
Praveen Gauravaram1, Lars R. Knudsen1, Krystian Matusiewicz1, Florian Mendel2, Christian …
Praveen Gauravaram1, Lars R. Knudsen1, Krystian Matusiewicz1, Florian Mendel2, Christian …
Careful with composition: Limitations of the indifferentiability framework
We exhibit a hash-based storage auditing scheme which is provably secure in the random-
oracle model (ROM), but easily broken when one instead uses typical indifferentiable hash …
oracle model (ROM), but easily broken when one instead uses typical indifferentiable hash …
To Hash or Not to Hash Again?(In) Differentiability Results for and HMAC
We show that the second iterate H^ 2 (M)= H (H (M)) of a random oracle H cannot achieve
strong security in the sense of indifferentiability from a random oracle. We do so by proving …
strong security in the sense of indifferentiability from a random oracle. We do so by proving …
From indifferentiability to constructive cryptography (and back)
The concept of indifferentiability of systems, a generalized form of indistinguishability, was
proposed in 2004 to provide a simplified and generalized explanation of impossibility results …
proposed in 2004 to provide a simplified and generalized explanation of impossibility results …
Towards understanding the known-key security of block ciphers
Known-key distinguishers for block ciphers were proposed by Knudsen and Rijmen at
ASIACRYPT 2007 and have been a major research topic in cryptanalysis since then. A …
ASIACRYPT 2007 and have been a major research topic in cryptanalysis since then. A …
Resource-restricted indifferentiability
A major general paradigm in cryptography is the following argument: Whatever an adversary
could do in the real world, it could just as well do in the ideal world. The standard …
could do in the real world, it could just as well do in the ideal world. The standard …
Full indifferentiable security of the XOR of two or more random permutations using the method
S Bhattacharya, M Nandi - Annual International Conference on the Theory …, 2018 - Springer
The construction XORP (bitwise-xor of outputs of two independent n-bit random
permutations) has gained broad attention over the last two decades due to its high security …
permutations) has gained broad attention over the last two decades due to its high security …
Security reductions of the second round SHA-3 candidates
Abstract In 2007, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology announced a call
for the design of a new cryptographic hash algorithm in response to vulnerabilities identified …
for the design of a new cryptographic hash algorithm in response to vulnerabilities identified …
Verified security of merkle-damgård
Cryptographic hash functions provide a basic data authentication mechanism and are used
pervasively as building blocks to realize many cryptographic functionalities, including block …
pervasively as building blocks to realize many cryptographic functionalities, including block …
Security Analysis of BLAKE2's Modes of Operation
BLAKE2 is a hash function introduced at ACNS 2013, which has been adopted in many
constructions and applications. It is a successor to the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE, which received …
constructions and applications. It is a successor to the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE, which received …