[HTML][HTML] Detachment of an adhered micropillar from a dissimilar substrate

SN Khaderi, NA Fleck, E Arzt, RM McMeeking - Journal of the Mechanics …, 2015 - Elsevier
The mechanics of detachment is analysed for 2D flat-bottomed planar pillars and 3D
cylindrical pillars from a dissimilar elastic substrate. Application of an axial stress to the free …

On fracture initiation angle near bi-material notches–Effects of first non-singular stress term

MM Mirsayar, MRM Aliha, AT Samaei - Engineering fracture mechanics, 2014 - Elsevier
The effect of first non-singular stress term of elastic stress field near bi-material notches (I-
stress) on the fracture initiation angle is investigated. A modified maximum tangential stress …

[HTML][HTML] Cohesive detachment of an elastic pillar from a dissimilar substrate

NA Fleck, SN Khaderi, RM McMeeking, E Arzt - Journal of the Mechanics …, 2017 - Elsevier
The adhesion of micron-scale surfaces due to intermolecular interactions is a subject of
intense interest spanning electronics, biomechanics and the application of soft materials to …

Evaluation of first non-singular stress term in bi-material notches

MR Ayatollahi, MM Mirsayar, M Nejati - Computational Materials Science, 2010 - Elsevier
The influence of the first non-singular stress term on the stress field near the bi-material
notches has been evaluated. An extensive study has been carried out on the higher order …

Reliability assessment of a bi-material notch: Strain energy density factor approach

J Klusák, Z Knésl - Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2010 - Elsevier
Joints of different materials have many applications in structural engineering and
microelectronics. In the present contribution the joint is modelled as a bi-material notch. The …

[HTML][HTML] Theoretical optimization of micropillar arrays for structurally stable bioinspired dry adhesives

K Ni, Z Wang - Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2024 - Elsevier
Inspired by the excellent adhesion performances of setae structure from organisms,
micro/nano-pillar array has become one of the paradigms for adhesive surfaces. The …

Various methods of numerical estimation of generalized stress intensity factors of bi-material notches

J Klusák, T Profant, M Kotoul - Applied and Computational …, 2009 - acm.kme.zcu.cz
The study of bi-material notches becomes a topical problem as they can model efficiently
geometrical or material discontinuities. When assessing crack initiation conditions in the bi …

A comparison of two direct methods of generalized stress intensity factor calculations of bi-material notches

J Klusák, T Profant, M Kotoul - Key Engineering Materials, 2008 - Trans Tech Publ
The study of bi-material notches is becoming a topical problem as they can model
geometrical or material discontinuities efficiently. Assessing the conditions for crack initiation …

The influence of polygonal cavity on fracture behaviour of concrete

M Vyhlídal, J Klusák - Procedia Structural Integrity, 2019 - Elsevier
In this work, the influence of polygonal cavity on fracture behaviour of cement composite
(concrete) is investigated. Specimens of the nominal dimensions 40× 40× 160 mm with …

Wedge-Splitting Test–Determination of Minimal Starting Notch Length for Various Cement Based Composites Part II: Crack and Notch Fracture Mechanics …

S Seitl, J Klusák, V Veselý, L Řoutil - Key Engineering Materials, 2011 - Trans Tech Publ
The paper focuses on the geometrical proportions of cube-shaped quasi-brittle specimens
subjected to a wedge-splitting test (WST). The minimal/optimal initial crack/notch length for …