Features and futures of X-ray free-electron lasers
N Huang, H Deng, B Liu, D Wang, Z Zhao - The Innovation, 2021 - cell.com
Linear accelerator-based free-electron lasers (FELs) are the leading source of fully coherent
X-rays with ultra-high peak powers and ultra-short pulse lengths. Current X-ray FEL facilities …
X-rays with ultra-high peak powers and ultra-short pulse lengths. Current X-ray FEL facilities …
[HTML][HTML] From femtoseconds to hours—measuring dynamics over 18 orders of magnitude with coherent x-rays
F Lehmkühler, W Roseker, G Grübel - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) enables the study of sample dynamics
between micrometer and atomic length scales. As a coherent scattering technique, it …
between micrometer and atomic length scales. As a coherent scattering technique, it …
Terawatt-scale attosecond X-ray pulses from a cascaded superradiant free-electron laser
Intense attosecond X-ray pulses are key for ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy and diffractive
imaging. Here we demonstrate the generation of terawatt-scale isolated attosecond pulses …
imaging. Here we demonstrate the generation of terawatt-scale isolated attosecond pulses …
Seeded free-electron laser driven by a compact laser plasma accelerator
Free-electron lasers generate high-brilliance coherent radiation at wavelengths spanning
from the infrared to the X-ray domains. The recent development of short-wavelength seeded …
from the infrared to the X-ray domains. The recent development of short-wavelength seeded …
A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam
E Prat, R Abela, M Aiba, A Alarcon, J Alex, Y Arbelo… - Nature …, 2020 - nature.com
We present the first lasing results of SwissFEL, a hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) that
recently came into operation at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. SwissFEL is a very …
recently came into operation at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. SwissFEL is a very …
Experimental demonstration of attosecond pump–probe spectroscopy with an X-ray free-electron laser
Pump–probe experiments with subfemtosecond resolution are the key to understanding
electronic dynamics in quantum systems. Here we demonstrate the generation and control …
electronic dynamics in quantum systems. Here we demonstrate the generation and control …
X-ray multiphoton-induced Coulomb explosion images complex single molecules
R Boll, JM Schäfer, B Richard, K Fehre, G Kastirke… - Nature Physics, 2022 - nature.com
Following structural dynamics in real time is a fundamental goal towards a better
understanding of chemical reactions. Recording snapshots of individual molecules with …
understanding of chemical reactions. Recording snapshots of individual molecules with …
Extreme focusing of hard X-ray free-electron laser pulses enables 7 nm focus width and 1022 W cm−2 intensity
By illuminating matter with bright and intense light, researchers gain insights into material
composition and properties. In the regime of extremely short wavelengths, X-ray free …
composition and properties. In the regime of extremely short wavelengths, X-ray free …
An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse properties
X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) are state-of-the-art scientific tools capable to study matter
on the scale of atomic processes. Since the initial operation of X-ray FELs more than a …
on the scale of atomic processes. Since the initial operation of X-ray FELs more than a …
Resonant X-ray excitation of the nuclear clock isomer 45Sc
Resonant oscillators with stable frequencies and large quality factors help us to keep track of
time with high precision. Examples range from quartz crystal oscillators in wristwatches to …
time with high precision. Examples range from quartz crystal oscillators in wristwatches to …