Consumers and brands across the globe: research synthesis and new directions
Extensive research has investigated branding practices, processes, and consumers'
reactions to brands in a globalized world. In this review, the authors aim to organize and …
reactions to brands in a globalized world. In this review, the authors aim to organize and …
Perceived brand globalness/localness: A systematic review of the literature and directions for further research
Extensive research has investigated how perceived brand globalness (PBG) and perceived
brand localness (PBL) affect brand. In this systematic literature review, the authors organize …
brand localness (PBL) affect brand. In this systematic literature review, the authors organize …
Global versus local consumer culture: Theory, measurement, and future research directions
JBEM Steenkamp - Journal of International Marketing, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
The last few decades have seen the emergence of global consumer culture (GCC) as an
important force in the marketplace. Yet, in recent years, powerful political and economic …
important force in the marketplace. Yet, in recent years, powerful political and economic …
[HTML][HTML] Testing retail marketing-mix effects on patronage: A meta-analysis
Retailers have always worked to establish close relationships with customers through the
retail marketing mix. Thus, the literature has a long tradition of testing the effects of various …
retail marketing mix. Thus, the literature has a long tradition of testing the effects of various …
Brand evaluation, satisfaction and trust as predictors of brand loyalty: the mediator-moderator effect of brand relationships
C Veloutsou - Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2015 - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper aims to examine whether the strength of positive brand relationship can
either mediate between trust, satisfaction, attitude towards the brand and loyalty or moderate …
either mediate between trust, satisfaction, attitude towards the brand and loyalty or moderate …
Anion Redox Chemistry in the Cobalt Free 3d Transition Metal Oxide Intercalation Electrode Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2
Conventional intercalation cathodes for lithium batteries store charge in redox reactions
associated with the transition metal cations, eg, Mn3+/4+ in LiMn2O4, and this limits the …
associated with the transition metal cations, eg, Mn3+/4+ in LiMn2O4, and this limits the …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainability of heritage tourism: A structural perspective from cultural identity and consumption intention
G Zhang, X Chen, R Law, M Zhang - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
Intangible cultural heritage can provide cultural value content for product development and
marketing of tourism destinations, enabling these areas to obtain economic benefits. This …
marketing of tourism destinations, enabling these areas to obtain economic benefits. This …
The interplay between country stereotypes and perceived brand globalness/localness as drivers of brand preference
This paper integrates country-of-origin and global/local branding literatures to investigate
how country-and brand-specific factors influence consumer preferences. Drawing from the …
how country-and brand-specific factors influence consumer preferences. Drawing from the …
An extended model of preference formation between global and local brands: The roles of identity expressiveness, trust, and affect
Y **e, R Batra, S Peng - Journal of International Marketing, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
The authors propose an augmented conceptual model explaining consumer preferences for
global brands versus local brands in emerging markets and test the model using data from a …
global brands versus local brands in emerging markets and test the model using data from a …
Brand credibility and marketplace globalization: The role of perceived brand globalness and localness
Consumers in Western markets are increasingly critical towards globalization and re-
embrace local values. Companies thus must decide whether to continue to pursue global …
embrace local values. Companies thus must decide whether to continue to pursue global …