Review of performance metrics of spin qubits in gated semiconducting nanostructures

P Stano, D Loss - Nature Reviews Physics, 2022‏ -
Abstract This Technical Review collects values of selected performance characteristics of
semiconductor spin qubits defined in electrically controlled nanostructures. The …

Superconductor–semiconductor hybrid-circuit quantum electrodynamics

G Burkard, MJ Gullans, X Mi, JR Petta - Nature Reviews Physics, 2020‏ -
Light–matter interactions at the single-particle level have generally been explored in the
context of atomic, molecular and optical physics. Recent advances motivated by quantum …

Gate-based single-shot readout of spins in silicon

A West, B Hensen, A Jouan, T Tanttu, CH Yang… - Nature …, 2019‏ -
Electron spins in silicon quantum dots provide a promising route towards realizing the large
number of coupled qubits required for a useful quantum processor,,,,,–. For the …

Semiconductor quantum computation

X Zhang, HO Li, G Cao, M **ao, GC Guo… - National Science …, 2019‏ -
Semiconductors, a significant type of material in the information era, are becoming more and
more powerful in the field of quantum information. In recent decades, semiconductor …

Roadmap on quantum nanotechnologies

A Laucht, F Hohls, N Ubbelohde… - …, 2021‏ -
Quantum phenomena are typically observable at length and time scales smaller than those
of our everyday experience, often involving individual particles or excitations. The past few …

Benchmarking coherent errors in controlled-phase gates due to spectator qubits

S Krinner, S Lazar, A Remm, CK Andersen… - Physical Review …, 2020‏ - APS
A major challenge in operating multiqubit quantum processors is to mitigate multiqubit
coherent errors. For superconducting circuits, besides crosstalk originating from imperfect …

In situ Tuning of the Electric-Dipole Strength of a Double-Dot Charge Qubit: Charge-Noise Protection and Ultrastrong Coupling

P Scarlino, JH Ungerer, DJ van Woerkom, M Mancini… - Physical Review X, 2022‏ - APS
Semiconductor quantum dots in which electrons or holes are isolated via electrostatic
potentials generated by surface gates are promising building blocks for semiconductor …

Microwave photon-mediated interactions between semiconductor qubits

DJ van Woerkom, P Scarlino, JH Ungerer, C Müller… - Physical Review X, 2018‏ - APS
The realization of a coherent interface between distant charge or spin qubits in
semiconductor quantum dots is an open challenge for quantum information processing …

Proposal for a nanomechanical qubit

F Pistolesi, AN Cleland, A Bachtold - Physical Review X, 2021‏ - APS
Mechanical oscillators have been demonstrated with very high quality factors over a wide
range of frequencies. They also couple to a wide variety of fields and forces, making them …

Large dispersive interaction between a CMOS double quantum dot and microwave photons

DJ Ibberson, T Lundberg, JA Haigh, L Hutin, B Bertrand… - PRX Quantum, 2021‏ - APS
We report fast charge-state readout of a double quantum dot in a CMOS split-gate silicon
nanowire transistor via the large dispersive interaction with microwave photons in a lumped …