On the dispersion characteristics of extraordinary mode in a relativistic fully degenerate electron plasma
The study of relativistic degenerate plasmas is important in many astrophysical and
laboratory environments. Using linearized relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell equations, a …
laboratory environments. Using linearized relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell equations, a …
On the high frequency perpendicular propagating waves in ultra-relativistic fully degenerate electron plasma
S Noureen, G Abbas, H Farooq - Physics of Plasmas, 2017 - pubs.aip.org
Using Vlasov-Maxwell's equations, the spectra of the perpendicular propagating Bernstein
wave and Extraordinary wave in ultra-relativistic fully degenerate electron plasma are …
wave and Extraordinary wave in ultra-relativistic fully degenerate electron plasma are …
On the perpendicular propagating modes in the ultra-relativistic weakly magnetized plasma
The dispersion relations for the weakly magnetized perpendicular propagating modes (O-
mode, X-mode, and upper hybrid mode) based on the ultra-relativistic Fermi-Dirac …
mode, X-mode, and upper hybrid mode) based on the ultra-relativistic Fermi-Dirac …
Parallel propagating modes and anomalous spatial dam** in the ultra-relativistic electron plasma with arbitrary degeneracy
The dispersion relations of parallel propagating modes (Langmuir mode, right and left
handed circular polarized waves) in the weak magnetic field limit| ω− κ· ν|≫ Ω are …
handed circular polarized waves) in the weak magnetic field limit| ω− κ· ν|≫ Ω are …
Characteristics of ordinary mode in fully relativistic electron plasma
Propagation characteristics (resonances, propagation regions, and cutoffs) of ordinary
waves (perpendicularly propagating electromagnetic waves) are studied in a relativistic …
waves (perpendicularly propagating electromagnetic waves) are studied in a relativistic …
Anomalous skin effects in a weakly magnetized degenerate electron plasma
Fully relativistic analysis of anomalous skin effects for parallel propagating waves in a
weakly magnetized degenerate electron plasma is presented and a graphical comparison is …
weakly magnetized degenerate electron plasma is presented and a graphical comparison is …
Obliquely propagating electron Bernstein wave in arbitrary degenerate plasma
S Noureen, G Abbas - Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 2023 - degruyter.com
On employing the linearized Vlasov–Maxwell model, the dispersion relation of obliquely
propagating Bernstein wave in thermal electron gas including quantum effect of …
propagating Bernstein wave in thermal electron gas including quantum effect of …
Study of the O-mode in a relativistic degenerate electron plasma
A Kalsoom, ALI Muddasir… - Plasma Science and …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Using the linearized relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell equations, a generalized expression for the
plasma conductivity tensor is derived. The dispersion relation for the O-mode in a relativistic …
plasma conductivity tensor is derived. The dispersion relation for the O-mode in a relativistic …
On the frequency spectra of the electrostatic upper hybrid wave and linear Landau dam** in a weakly magnetized relativistic electron plasma
On the basis of Vlasov-Kinetic model and using Maxwell-Juttner distribution function,
dispersion relation of electrostatic wave in a collisionless homogeneous relativistic electron …
dispersion relation of electrostatic wave in a collisionless homogeneous relativistic electron …
[PDF][PDF] Parallel propagating modes and anomalous spatial dam** in the ultra-relativistic electron plasma with arbitrary degeneracy
X Luo, K Zhou, Z Zhang, B An, Z Xue-Feng… - researchgate.net
The dispersion relations of parallel propagating modes (Langmuir mode, right and left
handed circular polarized waves) in the weak magnetic field limit| ω− 𝑘· 𝑣|≫ Ω are …
handed circular polarized waves) in the weak magnetic field limit| ω− 𝑘· 𝑣|≫ Ω are …