Sexual orientation concealment and mental health: A conceptual and meta-analytic review.
Identity concealment affects all sexual minority individuals, with potentially complex mental
health implications. Concealing a sexual minority identity can simultaneously generate the …
health implications. Concealing a sexual minority identity can simultaneously generate the …
Abortion stigma: a systematic review
F Hanschmidt, K Linde, A Hilbert… - … on sexual and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Context Although stigma has been identified as a potential risk factor for the well‐being of
women who have had abortions, little attention has been paid to the study of abortion …
women who have had abortions, little attention has been paid to the study of abortion …
Sensitive self-disclosures, responses, and social support on Instagram: The case of# depression
People can benefit from disclosing negative emotions or stigmatized facets of their identities,
and psychologists have noted that imagery can be an effective medium for expressing …
and psychologists have noted that imagery can be an effective medium for expressing …
The burden of stigma on health and well-being: A taxonomy of concealment, course, disruptiveness, aesthetics, origin, and peril across 93 stigmas
Most individuals are stigmatized at some point. However, research often examines stigmas
separately, thus underestimating the overall impact of stigma and precluding comparisons …
separately, thus underestimating the overall impact of stigma and precluding comparisons …
Social support, reciprocity, and anonymity in responses to sexual abuse disclosures on social media
Seeking and providing support is challenging. When people disclose sensitive information,
audience responses can substantially impact the discloser's wellbeing. We use mixed …
audience responses can substantially impact the discloser's wellbeing. We use mixed …
Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence.
IH Meyer - 2013 - psycnet.apa.org
In this article the author reviews research evidence on the prevalence of mental disorders in
lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) and shows, using meta-analyses, that LGBs have …
lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) and shows, using meta-analyses, that LGBs have …
A minority stress perspective on transgender individuals' experiences with misgendering.
KA McLemore - Stigma and Health, 2018 - psycnet.apa.org
This research investigates transgender individuals' experiences with misgendering—the
misclassification of gender identity—from a minority stress perspective. Four hundred and …
misclassification of gender identity—from a minority stress perspective. Four hundred and …
The intimate partner violence stigmatization model and barriers to help seeking
This chapter examines how staffing policies and interview structure might lead to
stigmatizing behavior, particularly subtle behavior that is not illegal. One area of research …
stigmatizing behavior, particularly subtle behavior that is not illegal. One area of research …
Disclosure and concealment of stigmatized identities
People with concealable stigmatized identities face decisions on whether, when, and to
whom to disclose their stigmatized status. Research has shown that disclosing one's identity …
whom to disclose their stigmatized status. Research has shown that disclosing one's identity …
Hidden costs of hiding stigma: Ironic interpersonal consequences of concealing a stigmatized identity in social interactions
People who possess a concealable stigmatized identity (eg, minority sexual orientation;
history of mental illness) often hide this identity from others in order to avoid bias. Despite …
history of mental illness) often hide this identity from others in order to avoid bias. Despite …