Dynamic anti-icing performance of flexible hybrid superhydropohobic surfaces
Normal superhydrophobic surfaces with a rough topography provide pocketed air at the
solid–liquid interface, which guides the droplet to easily detach from the surface at room …
solid–liquid interface, which guides the droplet to easily detach from the surface at room …
[PDF][PDF] Physical and chemical mechanisms of hydrophobicity of nanoparticle membranes (Mg+ Al2O3)
Purpose: Investigate the hydrophobic, superhydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of
Alumina (Al2O3) and Magnesium (Mg) nanoparticles. Design/methodology/approach: This …
Alumina (Al2O3) and Magnesium (Mg) nanoparticles. Design/methodology/approach: This …
Experimental study the effect of surface roughness of a material on its hydrophobicity
To investigate the effect of trapped gas and surface roughness, it is necessary to study more
deeply the hydrophobic nature of a material which has a different surface roughness value …
deeply the hydrophobic nature of a material which has a different surface roughness value …
The role of hydrogen gas buble in hydrophobic properties in mixed micro layer (Al2O3+ Mg)
Purpose: To find out more about the role of hydrogen gas bubbles in improving the
hydrophobic nature of a layer, especially in the layers of microparticles Alumina (Al2O3) with …
hydrophobic nature of a layer, especially in the layers of microparticles Alumina (Al2O3) with …
[HTML][HTML] Development of energy harvesting with water droplet continuous flow over nanohollow and nanostalagmite of taro leaf surface
Electrical energy is generated by harvesting the induced charge in metal electrodes and by
connecting the surface of the taro leaf, coated with the electrodes underneath, to the bridge …
connecting the surface of the taro leaf, coated with the electrodes underneath, to the bridge …
School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus
J Sutarjo - Journal Of Social Science (Joss), 2023 - joss.al-makkipublisher.com
Based on the results of research on" School Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus",
school management, which is a way of behavior in managing schools so that the process in …
school management, which is a way of behavior in managing schools so that the process in …
This research investigates Alumina (Al2O3) and Magnesium nano membrane layers using
hybrid technology. Hybrid is a concept of combining two or more materials/elements to …
hybrid technology. Hybrid is a concept of combining two or more materials/elements to …
Characterization of Voltage Generation Obtained from Water Droplets on a Taro Leaf (Colocasia esculenta L) Surface
Voltage generation was obtained using a water droplet characterization on a taro (Colocasia
esculenta L) leaf surface. This method relies on the superhydrophobic effect from the contact …
esculenta L) leaf surface. This method relies on the superhydrophobic effect from the contact …
Experimental study of leave hydrophobicity with variation of volume and surface slope
Hydrophobicity is the property of a material to repel water when in contact. Hydrophobic
events occur naturally in some plants and animals that are very interesting to study. To …
events occur naturally in some plants and animals that are very interesting to study. To …
[HTML][HTML] A study of light amplification and dispersion by surface tension on water droplet above taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaf
Hydrophobic characteristics are widely used in the development of new materials, especially
to be applied to the surface coating of materials. This involves amplification of the light …
to be applied to the surface coating of materials. This involves amplification of the light …