Dynamic anti-icing performance of flexible hybrid superhydropohobic surfaces

Y Hou, F Zhan, W Fan, L Wang - ACS Applied Materials & …, 2023‏ - ACS Publications
Normal superhydrophobic surfaces with a rough topography provide pocketed air at the
solid–liquid interface, which guides the droplet to easily detach from the surface at room …

[PDF][PDF] Physical and chemical mechanisms of hydrophobicity of nanoparticle membranes (Mg+ Al2O3)

W Wahyudi, R Subagyo, F Gapsari - Journal of Achievements in …, 2019‏ - journalamme.org
Purpose: Investigate the hydrophobic, superhydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of
Alumina (Al2O3) and Magnesium (Mg) nanoparticles. Design/methodology/approach: This …

Experimental study the effect of surface roughness of a material on its hydrophobicity

R Subagyo, M Tamjidillah, H Irawansyah… - IOP Conference …, 2021‏ - iopscience.iop.org
To investigate the effect of trapped gas and surface roughness, it is necessary to study more
deeply the hydrophobic nature of a material which has a different surface roughness value …

The role of hydrogen gas buble in hydrophobic properties in mixed micro layer (Al2O3+ Mg)

R Subagyo, ING Wardana, A Widodo… - Archives of Materials …, 2020‏ - yadda.icm.edu.pl
Purpose: To find out more about the role of hydrogen gas bubbles in improving the
hydrophobic nature of a layer, especially in the layers of microparticles Alumina (Al2O3) with …

[HTML][HTML] Development of energy harvesting with water droplet continuous flow over nanohollow and nanostalagmite of taro leaf surface

KMT Negara, N Hamidi… - Восточно …, 2020‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Electrical energy is generated by harvesting the induced charge in metal electrodes and by
connecting the surface of the taro leaf, coated with the electrodes underneath, to the bridge …

School Management At Sma Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus

J Sutarjo - Journal Of Social Science (Joss), 2023‏ - joss.al-makkipublisher.com
Based on the results of research on" School Management at SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus",
school management, which is a way of behavior in managing schools so that the process in …


R Subagyo, ING Wardana, AS Widodo… - … -European Journal of …, 2023‏ - academia.edu
This research investigates Alumina (Al2O3) and Magnesium nano membrane layers using
hybrid technology. Hybrid is a concept of combining two or more materials/elements to …

Characterization of Voltage Generation Obtained from Water Droplets on a Taro Leaf (Colocasia esculenta L) Surface

E Marlina, AF Alhikami, KMT Negara… - Journal of Earth …, 2023‏ - journal.uir.ac.id
Voltage generation was obtained using a water droplet characterization on a taro (Colocasia
esculenta L) leaf surface. This method relies on the superhydrophobic effect from the contact …

Experimental study of leave hydrophobicity with variation of volume and surface slope

R Subagyo, M Muchsin, V Ferdiansyah… - AIP Conference …, 2023‏ - pubs.aip.org
Hydrophobicity is the property of a material to repel water when in contact. Hydrophobic
events occur naturally in some plants and animals that are very interesting to study. To …

[HTML][HTML] A study of light amplification and dispersion by surface tension on water droplet above taro (Colocasia esculenta) leaf

G Rubiono, MN Sasongko, E Siswanto… - Восточно …, 2020‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Hydrophobic characteristics are widely used in the development of new materials, especially
to be applied to the surface coating of materials. This involves amplification of the light …