Seamless model-based development: From isolated tools to integrated model engineering environments

M Broy, M Feilkas, M Herrmannsdoerfer… - Proceedings of the …, 2010 -
More than 20 years of research has created a large body of ideas, concepts, and theories for
model-based development of embedded software-intensive systems. These approaches …

Model transformations and tool integration

L Tratt - Software & Systems Modeling, 2005 - Springer
Abstract Model transformations are increasingly recognised as being of significant
importance to many areas of software development and integration. Recent attention on …

Change-driven model transformations: Change (in) the rule to rule the change

G Bergmann, I Ráth, G Varró, D Varró - Software & Systems Modeling, 2012 - Springer
In this paper, we investigate change-driven model transformations, a novel class of
transformations, which are directly triggered by complex model changes carried out by …

Answering conceptual queries with ferret

B De Alwis, GC Murphy - … of the 30th international conference on …, 2008 -
Programmers seek to answer questions as they investigate the functioning of a software
system, such as" which execution path is being taken in this case?" Programmers attempt to …

Live model transformations driven by incremental pattern matching

I Ráth, G Bergmann, A Ökrös, D Varró - … 2008, Zürich, Switzerland, July 1-2 …, 2008 - Springer
In the current paper, we introduce a live model transformation framework, which
continuously maintains a transformation context such that model changes to source inputs …

Model transformation in the large

F Klar, A Königs, A Schürr - Proceedings of the the 6th joint meeting of …, 2007 -
Current rule-based model transformation approaches as the Query/View/Transformation
(QVT) standard or Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs) disregard means for structuring model …

[PDF][PDF] Model-based tool integration-state of the art and future perspectives

E Kapsammer, T Reiter, W Schwinger - Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2006 -
The quality and effectiveness of software development heavily depends on the underlying
tools used for different phases of the development lifecycle. With the rise of model-driven …

Synchronization of abstract and concrete syntax in domain-specific modeling languages: By map** models and live transformations

I Ráth, A Ökrös, D Varró - Software & Systems Modeling, 2010 - Springer
Modern domain-specific modeling (DSM) frameworks provide refined techniques for
develo** new languages based on the clear separation of conceptual elements of the …

A change propagating model transformation language

L Tratt - Journal of Object Technology, 2008 -
Model transformations are a key component in Model Driven Development, but most
approaches only allowone shot'transformations to be expressed. Change propagating …

Visual knowledge specification for conceptual design: Definition and tool support

B Kraft, M Nagl - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2007 - Elsevier
Current CAD tools are not able to support the conceptual design phase, and none of them
provides a consistency analysis for sketches produced by architects. This phase is …