Ciminion: Symmetric Encryption Based on Toffoli-Gates over Large Finite Fields
Motivated by new applications such as secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Fully
Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), and Zero-Knowledge proofs (ZK), the need for symmetric …
Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), and Zero-Knowledge proofs (ZK), the need for symmetric …
General classification of the authenticated encryption schemes for the CAESAR competition
An authenticated encryption scheme is a scheme which provides privacy and integrity by
using a secret key. In 2013, CAESAR (the “Competition for Authenticated Encryption …
using a secret key. In 2013, CAESAR (the “Competition for Authenticated Encryption …
Parallelizable and authenticated online ciphers
Online ciphers encrypt an arbitrary number of plaintext blocks and output ciphertext blocks
which only depend on the preceding plaintext blocks. All online ciphers proposed so far are …
which only depend on the preceding plaintext blocks. All online ciphers proposed so far are …
EWCDM: an efficient, beyond-birthday secure, nonce-misuse resistant MAC
B Cogliati, Y Seurin - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 2016 - Springer
We propose a nonce-based MAC construction called EWCDM (Encrypted Wegman-Carter
with Davies-Meyer), based on an almost xor-universal hash function and a block cipher, with …
with Davies-Meyer), based on an almost xor-universal hash function and a block cipher, with …
ZMAC: a fast tweakable block cipher mode for highly secure message authentication
We propose a new mode of operation called ZMAC allowing to construct a (stateless and
deterministic) message authentication code (MAC) from a tweakable block cipher (TBC) …
deterministic) message authentication code (MAC) from a tweakable block cipher (TBC) …
The security of ChaCha20-Poly1305 in the multi-user setting
The ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD scheme is being increasingly widely deployed in practice.
Practitioners need proven security bounds in order to set data limits and rekeying intervals …
Practitioners need proven security bounds in order to set data limits and rekeying intervals …
Analyzing multi-key security degradation
The multi-key, or multi-user, setting challenges cryptographic algorithms to maintain high
levels of security when used with many different keys, by many different users. Its …
levels of security when used with many different keys, by many different users. Its …
Pipelineable on-line encryption
Correct authenticated decryption requires the receiver to buffer the decrypted message until
the authenticity check has been performed. In high-speed networks, which must handle …
the authenticity check has been performed. In high-speed networks, which must handle …
Side-Channel Analysis of Multiplications in GF(2128) Application to AES-GCM
In this paper, we study the side-channel security of the field multiplication in GF (2 n). We
particularly focus on GF (2 128) multiplication which is the one used in the authentication …
particularly focus on GF (2 128) multiplication which is the one used in the authentication …
Masking the lightweight authenticated ciphers acorn and ascon in software
A Adomnicai, JJA Fournier, L Masson - Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018 -
The ongoing CAESAR competition aims at finding authenticated encryption schemes that
offer advantages over AES-GCM for several use-cases, including lightweight applications …
offer advantages over AES-GCM for several use-cases, including lightweight applications …