Implementasi halal supply chain management pada industri pengolahan makanan (Studi kasus: Restoran Taman Pringsewu Yogyakarta)
A Isnaeni - 2020 - dspace.uii.ac.id
Permintaan terhadap produk halal di dunia semakin hari semakin meningkat. Halal menjadi
aspek penting penduduk muslim dalam menjalankan kehidupanya. Konsumen tidak hanya …
aspek penting penduduk muslim dalam menjalankan kehidupanya. Konsumen tidak hanya …
Halal Supply Chain: Challenges of Halal Certification in Japan
N Hasnan, Y Kohda - European Proceedings of …, 2023 - europeanproceedings.com
Following to the significant growth of the Muslim population and Muslim-friendly tourism in
Japan, halal products and services have gradually been accepted and popular in the …
Japan, halal products and services have gradually been accepted and popular in the …
Map** the future of halal supply chain management: a Biblioshiny R application
The dynamic changes in the business environment unveil the evolvement of halal literature.
Studies on halal encompass various perspectives such as terminologies of halal, halal …
Studies on halal encompass various perspectives such as terminologies of halal, halal …
Halal sustainable supply chain model: a conceptual framework
I Ibrahim, MDM Zawahair… - Advances in …, 2018 - proceedings.itltrisakti.ac.id
The purpose of this research paper is to introduce an optimised framework halal supply
chains management, called the †œHalal Sustainable Supply Chain Modelâ€(HSSCM). In …
chains management, called the †œHalal Sustainable Supply Chain Modelâ€(HSSCM). In …
[PDF][PDF] The implementation framework of halal supply chain management systems
Recently, the network of halal supply participants is expanding across the globe. Most
enterprises certify their products for halal compliance in responding towards demand of …
enterprises certify their products for halal compliance in responding towards demand of …
Ekosistem Pesantren Dalam Mewujudkan Manajemen Halal Supply Chain Menuju Madani Society 5.0
Manajemen halal supply chain tentunya sangat strategis diterapkan pada industri halal di
lingkungan sekitar pesantren menuju madani society 5.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk …
lingkungan sekitar pesantren menuju madani society 5.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk …
Enhancing Sustainability in Halal Supply Chain: A Framework for Aligning With ESG and SDGs
M Ghalih, CH Chang - … Through Digital Business and Green Skills, 2024 - igi-global.com
This chapter explores the role of sustainability in HSC and offers a framework for aligning
these chains with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and Sustainable …
these chains with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and Sustainable …
Halal Supply Chain on Food Products: Evidence From Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School, Ngabar Ponorogo
O Iskandar, L Prasetiyo… - Journal of Islamic …, 2023 - jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id
Abstract ntroduction: This article aims to describe halal supply chain management
implementation at the Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Boarding School. Halal supply chain …
implementation at the Wali Songo Ngabar Islamic Boarding School. Halal supply chain …
Halal industry 4.0 model for SMEs
The commitment between SMEs and stakeholders is very important in coordinating
interrelated Halal business functions. However, Halal SMEs players have major obstacles in …
interrelated Halal business functions. However, Halal SMEs players have major obstacles in …
Issues of halal supply chain management: Suggestion for Korean traders
HY Lee, HJ Hwang, DH Kim - Journal of Korea Trade, 2019 - koreascience.kr
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to suggest countermeasures to reduce the damage of
manufacturers in halal industries and to increase the transparency of the halal market along …
manufacturers in halal industries and to increase the transparency of the halal market along …