[HTML][HTML] Consequences of parenting on adolescent outcomes

D Hancock Hoskins - Societies, 2014 - mdpi.com
In recent years, substantial gains have been made in our understanding of the influence of
parenting behaviors and styles on adolescent emotional and behavioral outcomes …

How financial constraints influence consumer behavior: An integrative framework

RW Hamilton, C Mittal, A Shah… - Journal of Consumer …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Financial constraints are economic limitations on behavior. Given that millions of people
experience chronic or episodic financial constraints, we sought to review research that …

Factores de riesgo asociados al embarazo en adolescentes

JC Paredes, H Santa-Cruz-Espinoza - Enfermería global, 2021 - revistas.um.es
Método: Estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles con una muestra no probabilística por
conveniencia de 180 adolescentes: 60 gestantes (casos) y 120 no gestantes (controles). La …

Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis

D Nettle, C Andrews, M Bateson - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2017 - cambridge.org
Integrative explanations of why obesity is more prevalent in some sectors of the human
population than others are lacking. Here, we outline and evaluate one candidate …

The impact of family structure on the health of children: Effects of divorce

J Anderson - The Linacre Quarterly, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Nearly three decades of research evaluating the impact of family structure on the health and
well-being of children demonstrates that children living with their married, biological parents …

Fundamental dimensions of environmental risk: The impact of harsh versus unpredictable environments on the evolution and development of life history strategies

BJ Ellis, AJ Figueredo, BH Brumbach, GL Schlomer - Human nature, 2009 - Springer
The current paper synthesizes theory and data from the field of life history (LH) evolution to
advance a new developmental theory of variation in human LH strategies. The theory posits …

Evolution of paternal investment

DC Geary - The handbook of evolutionary psychology, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter considers the phenomenon of human paternal investment in terms of the
benefits of providing care to children and the costs of investment from the males' …

Evolution, stress, and sensitive periods: the influence of unpredictability in early versus late childhood on sex and risky behavior.

JA Simpson, V Griskevicius, SI Kuo… - Developmental …, 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
According to a recent evolutionary life history model of development proposed by Ellis,
Figueredo, Brumbach, and Schlomer (2009), growing up in harsh versus unpredictable …

Biological sensitivity to context: I. An evolutionary–developmental theory of the origins and functions of stress reactivity

WT Boyce, BJ Ellis - Development and psychopathology, 2005 - cambridge.org
Biological reactivity to psychological stressors comprises a complex, integrated, and highly
conserved repertoire of central neural and peripheral neuroendocrine responses designed …

Education, HIV, and early fertility: Experimental evidence from Kenya

E Duflo, P Dupas, M Kremer - American Economic Review, 2015 - aeaweb.org
A seven-year randomized evaluation suggests education subsidies reduce adolescent girls'
dropout, pregnancy, and marriage but not sexually transmitted infection (STI). The …