Pengaruh kemandirian belajar terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa sekolah dasar

Y Riyanti, W Wahyudi, S Suhartono - Edukatif: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021 -
Kemandirian belajar merupakan salah satu faktor internal yang dapat memengaruhi tinggi
rendahnya hasil belajar matematika siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui …

Effectiveness of Teaching Materials to Support Merdeka Curriculum Learning on Basic Chemical Law Material on Learning Outcomes of Phase E SMA/MA

RS Ningsih, M Mawardi - Journal of Educational Sciences, 2024 -
This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of teaching materials to support
merdeka curriculum learning on the material of the basic laws of chemistry on the learning …

Pengaruh model POGIL terhadap hasil belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMP

S Sudartik, S Sutarto, AS Budiarso - Tarbiyah Wa Ta'lim: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Kemampuan berpikir kritis salah satu kemampuan tingkat tinggi pada abad 21 yang sangat
esensial dilatihkan pada siswa melalui kegiatan pembelajaran salah satunya pembelajaran …

Upaya Peningkatan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Siswa Sman 9 Kota Jambi Tahun Pelajararan 2018/2019

M Alwi - LEARNING: Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian Pendidikan dan …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas
XII MIPA-1 di SMA Negeri 9 Kota Jambi pada materi Gugus Fungsi Senyawa Karbon …

Improving Students Learning Outcomes through Implementing Make-a-Match Cooperative Model on Human Respiratory System Topic

N Nufitasari, AN Mardiyyaningsih… - Jurnal Pijar …, 2024 -
The make-a-match cooperative model is a learning model in which the teacher prepares
cards containing questions or problems and prepares answer cards, and then students look …

The Impact of Education Character on Learning Activity of Madrasah Aliyah Students in Manado

M Modeong, KF Ratumbuisang… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2024 -
Abstract The Impact of Education Character on Learning Activity of Madrasah Aliyah
Students In Manado. This research aims to determine the impact of Education Character on …

Penerapan Model PJBL Berbantuan Lapbook Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas IV SDN Bendan Ngisor

E Retnowati, N Nugraheni… - Madani: Jurnal …, 2023 -
Pembelajaran IPS memiliki tujuan mengembangkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan
dasar peserta didik dalam kehidupan bersosial. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang ideal …

Student activity sheet development quadratic equations and functions based on problem solving in junior high school

D Meriza, C Hiltrimartin, Y Hartono… - … National Conference on …, 2022 -
The study aims to produce student activity sheets (LAS) square equations based on valid
and practical and look at potential effects on students' problem-solving abilities. The type of …

[PDF][PDF] Profile of Interactive Learning Media Based Digital Literacy Needs on Elemental Chemistry Concepts

HR Widarti, D Triwidiastuti, DA Rokhim - Jurnal Tadris Kimiya, 2022 -
Interactive learning media integrated with technology are needed to facilitate the
explanation of abstract material, including elemental chemistry. The study aims to analyze …

Pengaruh Model Game Based Learning Terhadap Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas V SD Muhammdiyah 01 Medan

PD Siregar, MS Sitepu - Journal of Student Development Informatics …, 2023 -
Abstract The Influence Of The Game Based Learning Model On Student Learning Activities
In Learning Mathematics Class V SD Muhammadiyah 01 Medan. The purpose of this study …