High-resolution characterization of near-surface structures by surface-wave inversions: from dispersion curve to full waveform

Y Pan, L Gao, T Bohlen - Surveys in Geophysics, 2019 - Springer
Surface waves are widely used in near-surface geophysics and provide a noninvasive way
to determine near-surface structures. By extracting and inverting dispersion curves to obtain …

Progress and prospect of surface-wave imaging techniques in near-surface applications

W Limin, X Jianghai, L Yinhe, B Aifei - Reviews of Geophysics and …, 2022 - sjdz.org.cn
Elastic properties of near-surface materials and their effects on seismic wave propagation
are of fundamental interest in groundwater, engineering, and environmental studies. Shear …

Estimating S-wave velocities from 3D 9-component shallow seismic data using local Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves–A field study

Y Pan, S Schaneng, T Steinweg, T Bohlen - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2018 - Elsevier
Surface waves are widely used to delineate near-surface structures. Most of the surface-
wave studies focus on 2D and single-component data, how to use the surface-wave method …

Particle swarm optimization for Rayleigh wave frequency-velocity spectrum inversion

Z Le, X Song, X Zhang, C Shen, H Ai, S Yuan… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 - Elsevier
Rayleigh wave exploration is capable of reconstructing seismic properties at high resolution.
The dispersion curve inversion methods are mainly based on 1D layered-model …

Seismic wavefield characteristics in translational and rotational components for isolated velocity-anomaly bodies in two-dimensional shallow media

W Li, Y Zhang, L Sun, R Qian, Y Wang - Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2023 - Elsevier
With the increasing utilization of underground space, detecting shallow isolated velocity-
anomaly bodies such as karst and boulder has become a critical challenge in engineering …


汪利民, 夏江海, 罗银河, 卞爱飞 - 地球与行星物理论评, 2022 - sjdz.org.cn
基于主动源和被动源的面波成像技术**年来发展迅速, 已在全球和区域尺度的地球内部圈层精细
结构成像, 油气田勘探与开发, 浅地表地质调查, 工程质量超声检测, 环境污染治理成效监测等 …

Comparing the low-frequency content of exploration seismic source-receiver combinations using surface waves: a field study in Hussar, Alberta

YT Wu, RR Stewart - Frontiers in Earth Science, 2024 - frontiersin.org
The low-frequency content of seismic waves in exploration is of substantial value as it can
benefit imaging and inversion by providing deeper penetration, broader-band energy, and …

Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Rayleigh Wave Frequency-Velocity Spectrum Inversion

H YANa, Z LEa, X SHIb, H AIb, W ZHANG, Y YANG… - 2024 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Rayleigh wave inversion plays a role in near-surface exploration at high resolution.
Conventional dispersion curve inversion methods require to extract the dispersion curves …