Lead‐Free Double Perovskite Cs2AgBiBr6: Fundamentals, Applications, and Perspectives
Cs2AgBiBr6, as a benchmark lead‐free double perovskite, has emerged as a promising
alternative to lead‐based perovskites because of its high stability, non‐toxicity, exceptional …
alternative to lead‐based perovskites because of its high stability, non‐toxicity, exceptional …
Design engineering, synthesis protocols, and energy applications of MOF-derived electrocatalysts
The core reactions for fuel cells, rechargeable metal–air batteries, and hydrogen fuel
production are the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and …
production are the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and …
All-perovskite tandem solar cells with improved grain surface passivation
All-perovskite tandem solar cells hold the promise of surpassing the efficiency limits of single-
junction solar cells,–; however, until now, the best-performing all-perovskite tandem solar …
junction solar cells,–; however, until now, the best-performing all-perovskite tandem solar …
Stable perovskite solar cells with efficiency exceeding 24.8% and 0.3-V voltage loss
Further improvement and stabilization of perovskite solar cell (PSC) performance are
essential to achieve the commercial viability of next-generation photovoltaics. Considering …
essential to achieve the commercial viability of next-generation photovoltaics. Considering …
High-efficiency organic solar cells with low non-radiative recombination loss and low energetic disorder
Energy loss within organic solar cells (OSCs) is undesirable as it reduces cell efficiency,,–.
In particular, non-radiative recombination loss and energetic disorder, which are closely …
In particular, non-radiative recombination loss and energetic disorder, which are closely …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive evaluation of solar cell technologies, associated loss mechanisms, and efficiency enhancement strategies for photovoltaic cells
In-depth assessments of cutting-edge solar cell technologies, emerging materials, loss
mechanisms, and performance enhancement techniques are presented in this article. The …
mechanisms, and performance enhancement techniques are presented in this article. The …
Record open‐circuit voltage wide‐bandgap perovskite solar cells utilizing 2D/3D perovskite heterostructure
In this work, the authors realize stable and highly efficient wide‐bandgap perovskite solar
cells that promise high power conversion efficiencies (PCE) and are likely to play a key role …
cells that promise high power conversion efficiencies (PCE) and are likely to play a key role …
Transparent integrated pyroelectric-photovoltaic structure for photo-thermo hybrid power generation
Thermal losses in photoelectric devices limit their energy conversion efficiency, and cyclic
input of energy coupled with pyroelectricity can overcome this limit. Here, incorporating a …
input of energy coupled with pyroelectricity can overcome this limit. Here, incorporating a …
Integrated triboelectric nanogenerator and radiative cooler for all-weather transparent glass surfaces
Sustainable energies from weather are the most ubiquitous and non-depleted resources.
However, existing devices exploiting weather-dependent energies are sensitive to weather …
However, existing devices exploiting weather-dependent energies are sensitive to weather …
Highly Stable and Efficient FASnI3‐Based Perovskite Solar Cells by Introducing Hydrogen Bonding
Tin‐based perovskites with narrow bandgaps and high charge‐carrier mobilities are
promising candidates for the preparation of efficient lead‐free perovskite solar cells (PSCs) …
promising candidates for the preparation of efficient lead‐free perovskite solar cells (PSCs) …