Differential adsorption of clay minerals: Implications for organic matter enrichment
T Zhao, S Xu, F Hao - Earth-Science Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
The interactions between clay minerals and organic matter, specifically adsorption, are
widely recognized as a crucial mechanism for promoting the preservation of organic matter …
widely recognized as a crucial mechanism for promoting the preservation of organic matter …
[HTML][HTML] Sediment oxygen consumption: Role in the global marine carbon cycle
The seabed plays a key role in the marine carbon cycle as a) the terminal location of aerobic
oxidation of organic matter, b) the greatest anaerobic bioreactor, and c) the greatest …
oxidation of organic matter, b) the greatest anaerobic bioreactor, and c) the greatest …
A re-assessment of elemental proxies for paleoredox analysis
Paleoredox conditions are commonly evaluated based on elemental proxies but, despite
their frequency of use, most of these proxies have received little comparative evaluation or …
their frequency of use, most of these proxies have received little comparative evaluation or …
Redox-sensitive trace metals as paleoredox proxies: A review and analysis of data from modern sediments
WW Bennett, DE Canfield - Earth-Science Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Redox-sensitive trace metals have been used extensively as geochemical proxies to infer
the redox-status of marine sediments at the time of their deposition, and by extension, the …
the redox-status of marine sediments at the time of their deposition, and by extension, the …
Lithium isotopic constraints on the evolution of continental clay mineral factory and marine oxygenation in the earliest Paleozoic Era
The evolution of oxygen cycles on Earth's surface has been regulated by the balance
between molecular oxygen production and consumption. The Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic …
between molecular oxygen production and consumption. The Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic …
Global-change controls on soil-carbon accumulation and loss in coastal vegetated ecosystems
Coastal seagrass, mangrove and salt-marsh ecosystems—also termed blue-carbon
ecosystems—play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Much of the organic carbon …
ecosystems—play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Much of the organic carbon …
The fate of organic carbon in marine sediments-New insights from recent data and analysis
Organic carbon in marine sediments is a critical component of the global carbon cycle, and
its degradation influences a wide range of phenomena, including the magnitude of carbon …
its degradation influences a wide range of phenomena, including the magnitude of carbon …
Organic carbon decomposition rates controlled by water retention time across inland waters
The loss of organic carbon during passage through the continuum of inland waters from
soils to the sea is a critical component of the global carbon cycle,,. Yet, the amount of …
soils to the sea is a critical component of the global carbon cycle,,. Yet, the amount of …
Total organic carbon, organic phosphorus, and biogenic barium fluxes as proxies for paleomarine productivity
Although marine productivity is a key parameter in the global carbon cycle, reliable
estimation of productivity in ancient marine systems has proven difficult. In this study, we …
estimation of productivity in ancient marine systems has proven difficult. In this study, we …
Quantifying the degradation of organic matter in marine sediments: A review and synthesis
Quantifying the rates of biogeochemical processes in marine sediments is essential for
understanding global element cycles and climate change. Because organic matter …
understanding global element cycles and climate change. Because organic matter …