Fractional quantum Hall effect with unconventional pairing in monolayer graphene
Motivated by the observation of even denominator fractional quantum Hall effect in the n= 3
Landau level of monolayer graphene [Kim et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 154 (2019) NPAHAX 1745 …
Landau level of monolayer graphene [Kim et al., Nat. Phys. 15, 154 (2019) NPAHAX 1745 …
Composite fermion pairing induced by Landau level mixing
Pairing of composite fermions provides a possible mechanism for fractional quantum Hall
effect at even denominator fractions and is believed to serve as a platform for realizing …
effect at even denominator fractions and is believed to serve as a platform for realizing …
Prediction of a Non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall State with -Wave Pairing of Composite Fermions in Wide Quantum Wells
We theoretically investigate the nature of the state at the quarter filled lowest Landau level
and predict that, as the quantum well width is increased, a transition occurs from the …
and predict that, as the quantum well width is increased, a transition occurs from the …
Real-space entanglement spectra of parton states in fractional quantum Hall systems
Real-space entanglement spectra (RSES) capture characteristic features of the topological
order encoded in the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states. In this work, we numerically …
order encoded in the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states. In this work, we numerically …
Nature of the anomalous fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene
RK Dora, AC Balram - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Extensive fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) has been observed in graphene-based
materials. Some of the observed fractions are anomalous in that FQHE has not been …
materials. Some of the observed fractions are anomalous in that FQHE has not been …
Unconventional parton states at : Role of finite width
A recent work [Balram, Jain, and Barkeshli, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 013349 (2020) 2643-1564
10.1103/PhysRevResearch. 2.013349] has suggested that an unconventional state …
10.1103/PhysRevResearch. 2.013349] has suggested that an unconventional state …
Linking infinite bond-dimension matrix product states with frustration-free Hamiltonians
The study of frustration-free Hamiltonians and their relation to finite bond-dimension matrix
product states (MPS) has a long tradition. However, fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states do …
product states (MPS) has a long tradition. However, fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states do …
Abelian parton state for the fractional quantum Hall effect
AC Balram - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
We consider the fractional quantum Hall effect at the filling factor ν= 4/11, where two
independent experiments have observed a well-developed and quantized Hall plateau. We …
independent experiments have observed a well-developed and quantized Hall plateau. We …
Parton wave function for the fractional quantum Hall effect at
We consider the fractional quantum Hall effect at the filling ν= 6/17, where experiments have
observed features of incompressibility in the form of a minimum in the longitudinal …
observed features of incompressibility in the form of a minimum in the longitudinal …
Local two-body parent Hamiltonians for the entire Jain sequence
Using an algebra of second-quantized operators, we develop local two-body parent
Hamiltonians for all unprojected Jain states at filling factor n/(2 np+ 1), with integer n and …
Hamiltonians for all unprojected Jain states at filling factor n/(2 np+ 1), with integer n and …