[HTML][HTML] Quantitative map** of the brain's structural connectivity using diffusion MRI tractography: A review
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography is an advanced imaging
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
[HTML][HTML] Urgent challenges in quantification and interpretation of brain grey matter atrophy in individual MS patients using MRI
Atrophy of the brain grey matter (GM) is an accepted and important feature of multiple
sclerosis (MS). However, its accurate measurement is hampered by various technical …
sclerosis (MS). However, its accurate measurement is hampered by various technical …
Disease correlates of rim lesions on quantitative susceptibility map** in multiple sclerosis
Quantitative susceptibility map** (QSM), an imaging technique sensitive to brain iron, has
been used to detect paramagnetic rims of iron-laden active microglia and macrophages in a …
been used to detect paramagnetic rims of iron-laden active microglia and macrophages in a …
[HTML][HTML] The role of advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques in multiple sclerosis clinical trials
Magnetic resonance imaging has been crucial in the development of anti-inflammatory
disease-modifying treatments. The current landscape of multiple sclerosis clinical trials is …
disease-modifying treatments. The current landscape of multiple sclerosis clinical trials is …
Lesion accumulation is predictive of long-term cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis
Objective To investigate the long-term progression of cognitive dysfunction and its
neuroanatomical correlates and predictors in multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods A cohort of 37 …
neuroanatomical correlates and predictors in multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods A cohort of 37 …
Diffusion tensor imaging tractography reveals altered fornix in all diagnostic subtypes of multiple sclerosis
Introduction Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has shown abnormalities of the fornix and other
limbic white matter tracts in multiple sclerosis (MS), mainly focusing on relapsing‐remitting …
limbic white matter tracts in multiple sclerosis (MS), mainly focusing on relapsing‐remitting …
[HTML][HTML] The association between intra-and juxta-cortical pathology and cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis by quantitative T2* map** at 7 T MRI
Using quantitative T 2* at 7 Tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated whether
impairment in selective cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis (MS) can be explained by …
impairment in selective cognitive functions in multiple sclerosis (MS) can be explained by …
The corticospinal tract in multiple sclerosis: correlation between cortical excitability and magnetic resonance imaging measures
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a central nervous system disease involving gray and white matters.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could help …
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could help …
[HTML][HTML] Voxel-based analysis of gray matter relaxation rates shows different correlation patterns for cognitive impairment and physical disability in relapsing-remitting …
Background Regional analyses of markers of microstructural gray matter (GM) changes,
including relaxation rates, have shown inconsistent correlations with physical and cognitive …
including relaxation rates, have shown inconsistent correlations with physical and cognitive …
Investigation of grey matter abnormalities in multiple sclerosis patients by combined use of double inversion recovery sequences and diffusion tensor MRI at 3.0 Tesla
X Han, X Wang, L Wang, Z Zheng, J Gu, D Tang, L Liu… - Clinical radiology, 2018 - Elsevier
Aim To investigate the grey matter abnormalities in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients by
combined use of double inversion recovery (DIR) sequences and diffusion tensor (DTI) …
combined use of double inversion recovery (DIR) sequences and diffusion tensor (DTI) …