Fostering students' well-being: The mediating role of teacher interpersonal behavior and student-teacher relationships
F Zheng - Frontiers in psychology, 2022 -
Well-being has become extensively viewed as apprehension for administrations in the last
decades and schools have been progressively realized as locations for encouraging well …
decades and schools have been progressively realized as locations for encouraging well …
The role of English as a foreign language teachers' mindfulness and compassion in fostering students' foreign language enjoyment
J Huang - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 -
With the popularity of positive psychology in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching
and learning, learners' positive emotions have attracted great academic attention. Foreign …
and learning, learners' positive emotions have attracted great academic attention. Foreign …
University students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a consensus statement from the UK Adult ADHD Network (UKAAN)
Background Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with poor
educational outcomes that can have long-term negative effects on the mental health …
educational outcomes that can have long-term negative effects on the mental health …
Examining impact of islamic work ethic on task performance: mediating effect of psychological capital and a moderating role of ethical leadership
The twenty-first century has seen an increase in ethical misconduct at the workplace,
highlighting the need to stimulate discussion on the role of work ethics. The objective of the …
highlighting the need to stimulate discussion on the role of work ethics. The objective of the …
How does psychological capital lead to better well-being for students? The roles of family support and problem-focused co**
Recent studies have shifted the attention on the beneficial role of psychological capital from
workplace to academic contexts. Moreover, the mediating role of psychological capital in the …
workplace to academic contexts. Moreover, the mediating role of psychological capital in the …
Supportive study climate and academic performance among university students: the role of psychological capital, positive emotions and study engagement
Purpose The overall aim of this study is to explore factors associated with academic
performance among university students. Specifically, it explores whether a supportive study …
performance among university students. Specifically, it explores whether a supportive study …
University student well-being during COVID-19: The role of psychological capital and co** strategies.
This study examined the relationships between psychological capital (PsyCap), co**
strategies, and well-being among 609 university students using self-report measures …
strategies, and well-being among 609 university students using self-report measures …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring links between polychronicity and job performance from the person–environment fit perspective—The mediating role of well-being
Polychronicity refers to the preference of some individuals to structure their time in order to
deal with multiple tasks simultaneously in a short period of time. Past research regarding the …
deal with multiple tasks simultaneously in a short period of time. Past research regarding the …
[HTML][HTML] How is cultural intelligence related to human behavior?
Cultural intelligence is an individual's ability to recognize, understand, and adapt to cross-
cultural contexts in order to change his or her self-capacity. Hence, this study explores the …
cultural contexts in order to change his or her self-capacity. Hence, this study explores the …
Academic enjoyment, behavioral engagement, self-concept, organizational strategy and achievement in EFL setting: A multiple mediation analysis
X Kang, Y Wu - PLoS One, 2022 -
Motivated by the positive psychology movement in the English as Foreign Language (EFL),
existing studies have demonstrated that subject-related enjoyment has a positive correlation …
existing studies have demonstrated that subject-related enjoyment has a positive correlation …