A systematic literature review of the use of Semantic Web technologies in formal education
J Jensen - British Journal of Educational Technology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This paper presents a systematic literature review of research focused on use of Semantic
Web technologies in formal educational contexts. Through systematic search, the review has …
Web technologies in formal educational contexts. Through systematic search, the review has …
Application of resource description framework to personalise learning: Systematic review and methodology
T Jevsikova, A Berniukevičius, E Kurilovas - Informatics in Education, 2017 - ceeol.com
The paper is aimed to present a methodology of learning personalisation based on applying
Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard model. Research results are two-fold: first …
Resource Description Framework (RDF) standard model. Research results are two-fold: first …
Linked data in education: A survey and a synthesis of actual research and future challenges
Linked Data principles and technologies are being investigated in various areas. In the
Educational context, many studies are using Linked Data trying to solve problems of …
Educational context, many studies are using Linked Data trying to solve problems of …
[HTML][HTML] Affordances of Technology for Sustainability-Oriented K–12 Informal Engineering Education
The need for sustainability-oriented K–12 engineering education that expands beyond the
classroom and the increased accessibility of educational technologies create an opportunity …
classroom and the increased accessibility of educational technologies create an opportunity …
Scientometric review of web 3.0
Web 3.0 is a next-generation web architecture that envisions a more decentralised, secure
and intelligent Internet. Its implications are vast and could potentially impact various …
and intelligent Internet. Its implications are vast and could potentially impact various …
[HTML][HTML] Added values of linked data in education: A survey and roadmap
Education values such as knowledge sharing, and the linked data (LD) abilities such as
interoperability are in perfect harmony. Much research has exploited that and provided …
interoperability are in perfect harmony. Much research has exploited that and provided …
Supporting contextualized learning with linked open data
This paper proposes a template-based approach to semi-automatically create
contextualized learning tasks out of several sources from the Web of Data. The …
contextualized learning tasks out of several sources from the Web of Data. The …
Dados abertos conectados para a Educação
Atualmente, grandes quantidades de dados educacionais são publicados na web em
diversos formatos. Grande parte desses dados é publicada em formatos não estruturados …
diversos formatos. Grande parte desses dados é publicada em formatos não estruturados …
Automatic creation of Moodle activities out of the Web of Data to link formal and informal learning contexts
Smart Education promises to bridge formal and informal learning contexts with personalized
learning opportunities. However, how to provide learners informal learning activities that …
learning opportunities. However, how to provide learners informal learning activities that …
Towards a Teacher Application to Support Semantic Annotations of Learning Tasks in Cultural Heritage
New generations should learn about the Cultural Heritage (CH) that surrounds them to value
and preserve it. Common strategies for learning CH include lectures, textbooks, and also …
and preserve it. Common strategies for learning CH include lectures, textbooks, and also …