[PDF][PDF] Political districting problem: Literature review and discussion with regard to federal elections in Germany

S Goderbauer, J Winandy - consultado em outubro de, 2018 - or.rwth-aachen.de
Electoral districts have great significance for many democratic parliamentary elections.
Voters of each district elect a number of representatives into parliament. The districts form a …

Do Court Decisions and Redistribution Rules Have Consequences? Malapportionment of German Single-Member Electoral Districts

L Massicotte - German Politics, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Important changes took place in Germany with regards to the delimitation of the single-
member districts now used for electing the Bundestag and the legislatures of 13 Länder …

Reform der Bundestagswahlkreise

S Goderbauer, M Lübbecke - Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 2019 - JSTOR
Scheitern nicht zulassen will “7. Unter seinem Vorsitz berät seit Frühjahr 2018 nicht-
öffentlich eine fraktionsübergreifende Arbeitsgruppe zum Themenkomplex …

Proportional Apportionment for Connected Coalitions

S Goderbauer, L Ermert - … Research Proceedings 2018: Selected Papers of …, 2019 - Springer
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