Review of leaf drying: Mechanism and influencing parameters, drying methods, nutrient preservation, and mathematical models
Fresh leaves used for culinary and medicinal purposes are highly perishable by nature.
Quite often, post-harvest losses occur and there is noticeable deterioration in quality due to …
Quite often, post-harvest losses occur and there is noticeable deterioration in quality due to …
Applications of solar energy based drying technologies in various industries–A review
Drying of materials is an important and essential mechanism during the production process
in industries. Drying fruits and vegetables is an ancient method used for food preservation …
in industries. Drying fruits and vegetables is an ancient method used for food preservation …
Sustainable food drying technologies based on renewable energy sources
Waste in the food supply chain is estimated to be about 30–40% of the total food production,
which aggravates the world hunger and increases waste management burden and …
which aggravates the world hunger and increases waste management burden and …
A review study on recent advances in solar drying: Mechanisms, challenges and perspectives
Drying is important in many processes for material preservation, operation optimisation, and
easy handling. Various dryers have been developed to ensure controllable drying …
easy handling. Various dryers have been developed to ensure controllable drying …
Utilization of biodegradable wastes as a clean energy source in the develo** countries: A case study in Myanmar
Nowadays, waste-to-energy has become a type of renewable energy utilization that can
provide environmental and economic benefits in the world. In this paper, we evaluated the …
provide environmental and economic benefits in the world. In this paper, we evaluated the …
[HTML][HTML] Diseño conceptual de secador solar a escala piloto para algas marinas
El secado de biomasa algal con el uso de la radiación solar, constituye una opción
económica y ambientalmente compatible. El objetivo del trabajo consistió en diseñar un …
económica y ambientalmente compatible. El objetivo del trabajo consistió en diseñar un …
An experimental investigation and performance analysis of a solar drying of bitter gourd using an evacuated-tube air collector.
N Venkatesan, TV Arjunan - 2014 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Drying is one of the important post-harvest methods to increase the self-life of the produce,
which can be used during non-available periods. Solar Drying is done in solar dryers, which …
which can be used during non-available periods. Solar Drying is done in solar dryers, which …
[PDF][PDF] Rancang Bangun dan Uji Coba Pengering Surya Tipe Kolektor Tabung Vakum (Evacuated Tube Collector)
Abstrak Penelitian tentang Rancang Bangun dan Ujicoba Pengering Surya Tipe Kolektor
Tabung Vakum untuk mengeringkan kopi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan …
Tabung Vakum untuk mengeringkan kopi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan …
[PDF][PDF] Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
Aegle marmelos or bael has been known from prehistoric times in India with mythological
importance. Each part of the tree like root, bark, fruit, leaf, and flower has therapeutic …
importance. Each part of the tree like root, bark, fruit, leaf, and flower has therapeutic …
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Solar-Fuel Dryer of the Cradle-Conveyor Type Combined with Infrared Radiation
The results of numerical simulation for investigating and estimating heat efficiency of a
combined solar-fuel dryer of the cradle-conveyor type heated by direct solar radiation and by …
combined solar-fuel dryer of the cradle-conveyor type heated by direct solar radiation and by …