Review of leaf drying: Mechanism and influencing parameters, drying methods, nutrient preservation, and mathematical models

AK Babu, G Kumaresan, VAA Raj, R Velraj - Renewable and sustainable …, 2018 - Elsevier
Fresh leaves used for culinary and medicinal purposes are highly perishable by nature.
Quite often, post-harvest losses occur and there is noticeable deterioration in quality due to …

Applications of solar energy based drying technologies in various industries–A review

A Lingayat, R Balijepalli, VP Chandramohan - Solar energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Drying of materials is an important and essential mechanism during the production process
in industries. Drying fruits and vegetables is an ancient method used for food preservation …

Sustainable food drying technologies based on renewable energy sources

H Qu, MH Masud, M Islam, MIH Khan… - Critical Reviews in …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Waste in the food supply chain is estimated to be about 30–40% of the total food production,
which aggravates the world hunger and increases waste management burden and …

A review study on recent advances in solar drying: Mechanisms, challenges and perspectives

Y Yao, YX Pang, S Manickam, E Lester, T Wu… - Solar Energy Materials …, 2022 - Elsevier
Drying is important in many processes for material preservation, operation optimisation, and
easy handling. Various dryers have been developed to ensure controllable drying …

Utilization of biodegradable wastes as a clean energy source in the develo** countries: A case study in Myanmar

MM Tun, D Juchelková, H Raclavská, V Sassmanová - Energies, 2018 -
Nowadays, waste-to-energy has become a type of renewable energy utilization that can
provide environmental and economic benefits in the world. In this paper, we evaluated the …

[HTML][HTML] Diseño conceptual de secador solar a escala piloto para algas marinas

L Roche-Delgado, JP Hernández-Touset… - Tecnología …, 2017 -
El secado de biomasa algal con el uso de la radiación solar, constituye una opción
económica y ambientalmente compatible. El objetivo del trabajo consistió en diseñar un …

An experimental investigation and performance analysis of a solar drying of bitter gourd using an evacuated-tube air collector.

N Venkatesan, TV Arjunan - 2014 -
Drying is one of the important post-harvest methods to increase the self-life of the produce,
which can be used during non-available periods. Solar Drying is done in solar dryers, which …

[PDF][PDF] Rancang Bangun dan Uji Coba Pengering Surya Tipe Kolektor Tabung Vakum (Evacuated Tube Collector)

SF Dina, SM Rambe, EHS Azwardi… - Jurnal Dinamika …, 2018 -
Abstrak Penelitian tentang Rancang Bangun dan Ujicoba Pengering Surya Tipe Kolektor
Tabung Vakum untuk mengeringkan kopi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan …

[PDF][PDF] Journal of Agriculture and Food Research

T Sarkar, M Salauddin, SK Hazra… - Journal of Agriculture …, 2022 -
Aegle marmelos or bael has been known from prehistoric times in India with mythological
importance. Each part of the tree like root, bark, fruit, leaf, and flower has therapeutic …

Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Solar-Fuel Dryer of the Cradle-Conveyor Type Combined with Infrared Radiation

ZS Iskandarov, MI Sataev, AM Azimov, AS Halimov… - Applied Solar …, 2021 - Springer
The results of numerical simulation for investigating and estimating heat efficiency of a
combined solar-fuel dryer of the cradle-conveyor type heated by direct solar radiation and by …