The ecological and evolutionary consequences of tropicalisation
Tropicalisation is a marine phenomenon arising from contemporary climate change, and is
characterised by the range expansion of tropical/subtropical species and the retraction of …
characterised by the range expansion of tropical/subtropical species and the retraction of …
Northward shift of a biogeographical barrier on China's coast
L Hu, Y Dong - Diversity and Distributions, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Understanding the formation and maintenance of biogeographical breaks is
fundamental for develo** analyses related to biodiversity and conservation …
fundamental for develo** analyses related to biodiversity and conservation …
Weak effects of age but important role of microhabitats in community differences between breakwaters and natural rocky shores across a latitudinal gradient
Aim Coastal infrastructures are increasing at different latitudes, and their deployment often
results in a complete replacement of natural habitats. Although infrastructure provides novel …
results in a complete replacement of natural habitats. Although infrastructure provides novel …
Widespread misperception about a major East Asian biogeographic boundary exposed through bibliographic survey and biogeographic meta‐analysis
S Komaki - Journal of Biogeography, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim The Watase line, a major biogeographic boundary between Palearctic and
Oriental realms in East Asia, is generally drawn between Akuseki and Kodakara Islands of …
Oriental realms in East Asia, is generally drawn between Akuseki and Kodakara Islands of …
Shallow coverage in shallow waters: the incompleteness of intertidal species inventories in biodiversity database records
The availability of online biodiversity data has increased in recent decades, aiding our
understanding of diversity patterns and species richness–environment relationships across …
understanding of diversity patterns and species richness–environment relationships across …
Biogeography of algae and invertebrates from wave-exposed rocky intertidal habitats along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia (Canada): Latitudinal and interannual …
Biogeographic studies aim to understand species distributions and are becoming
increasingly relevant to establish baselines to monitor ecological change. The NW Atlantic …
increasingly relevant to establish baselines to monitor ecological change. The NW Atlantic …
Marine latitudinal diversity gradients are generally absent in intertidal ecosystems
Current latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) meta‐analyses have failed to distinguish one of
the most widespread marine habitats, the intertidal zone, as a separate system despite it …
the most widespread marine habitats, the intertidal zone, as a separate system despite it …
Global gradients in intertidal species richness and functional groups
Whether global latitudinal diversity gradients exist in rocky intertidal α-diversity and across
functional groups remains unknown. Using literature data from 433 intertidal sites, we …
functional groups remains unknown. Using literature data from 433 intertidal sites, we …
Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation
Aim To investigate some of the environmental variables underpinning the past and present
distribution of an ecosystem engineer near its poleward range edge. Location> 500 …
distribution of an ecosystem engineer near its poleward range edge. Location> 500 …
Biogeography of intertidal and subtidal native and invasive barnacles in Korea in relation to oceanographic current ecoregions and global climatic changes
The coastline of the Korean Peninsula is influenced by three major oceanographic
ecoregions, including the estuarine Yellow Sea ecoregion on the west coast, the warmer …
ecoregions, including the estuarine Yellow Sea ecoregion on the west coast, the warmer …