Impact resistance of fiber-metal laminates: A review
Combining the suitable properties of metals and fiber reinforced composites, as the idea
behind the application of new types of materials, called fiber metal laminates (FMLs), have …
behind the application of new types of materials, called fiber metal laminates (FMLs), have …
Low velocity impact response of fibre-metal laminates–A review
This contribution hopes to give a comprehensive review of past and current research work
published on the dynamic response of fibre-metal laminates subjected to low velocity …
published on the dynamic response of fibre-metal laminates subjected to low velocity …
[HTML][HTML] Review of hybrid composites fatigue
Hybrid composites become popular and are today used in a large number of contemporary
structural applications. When compared to non-hybrid composites, hybridization offers …
structural applications. When compared to non-hybrid composites, hybridization offers …
The mechanical behavior of GLARE laminates for aircraft structures
G Wu, JM Yang - Jom, 2005 - Springer
GLARE (glass-reinforced aluminum laminate) is a new class of fiber metal laminates for
advanced aerospace structural applications. It consists of thin aluminum sheets bonded …
advanced aerospace structural applications. It consists of thin aluminum sheets bonded …
Very high cycle and gigacycle fatigue of fiber-reinforced composites: A review on experimental approaches and fatigue damage mechanisms
A comprehensive review is conducted on the very high cycle (VHC) and gigacycle (GC)
fatigue of fiber-reinforced composite materials. The main objective was to conduct a …
fatigue of fiber-reinforced composite materials. The main objective was to conduct a …
A review: fiber metal laminates (FML's)-manufacturing, test methods and numerical modeling
Weight reduction of components is the main aim of different industrial sectors. This leads to
increasing application areas of fiber composites for primary structural components. Aiming …
increasing application areas of fiber composites for primary structural components. Aiming …
Effect of stacking sequence and metal volume fraction on the ballistic impact behaviors of ARALL fiber‐metal laminates: an experimental study
Thanks to their superior mechanical properties, polymer matrix composites have gained
considerable importance. In order to improve the impact resistance of polymer matrix …
considerable importance. In order to improve the impact resistance of polymer matrix …
The impact properties and damage tolerance and of bi-directionally reinforced fiber metal laminates
G Wu, JM Yang, HT Hahn - Journal of materials science, 2007 - Springer
Fiber metal laminates are an advanced hybrid materials system being evaluated as a
damage tolerance and light weight solution for future aircraft primary structures. This paper …
damage tolerance and light weight solution for future aircraft primary structures. This paper …
Impact properties of novel natural fibre metal laminated composite materials
Fibre metal laminates (FMLs) are lightweight structures with high structural performance and
are suitable for many industrial applications. This work describes the impact behaviour of …
are suitable for many industrial applications. This work describes the impact behaviour of …
On the post-impact fatigue behavior and theoretical life prediction of CF/PEEK-titanium hybrid laminates using an energy dissipation approach
This paper aims to illustrate the effect of the impact damage on fatigue behavior of CF/PEEK-
titanium hybrid laminates. To achieve this end, a fatigue life model was proposed to predict …
titanium hybrid laminates. To achieve this end, a fatigue life model was proposed to predict …