[Књига][B] Doing action research in English language teaching: A guide for practitioners

A Burns - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
This hands-on, practical guide for ESL/EFL teachers and teacher educators outlines, for
those who are new to doing action research, what it is and how it works. Straightforward and …

Analysis of Phonetic and Phonological Constraints of Saudi EFL Learners.

AM Al-Rubaat, HA Alshammari - English Language Teaching, 2020 - ERIC
This study explores the pronunciation difficulties experienced by Saudi EFL learners at Jouf
University (JU) in the north of Saudi Arabia. To achieve this purpose, two main instruments …

Stimulated recall, teacher beliefs, and teacher practices: Using structured reflective practice to examine teacher talk

AA Ahmed, C Montecillo Leider - TESOL Journal, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Teacher talk is one of the key instructional components in English language teaching
classrooms. This study used reflective practice and stimulated recall to investigate teacher …

Teachers' educational beliefs change through lesson study: Implications for school culture

O Khokhotva, I Elexpuru Albizuri - International Journal for Lesson & …, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose The study aims at exploring the perspective of three English as a Foreign
Language teachers after their year-long involvement in the Lesson Study project in the …

Comparing learners' interactions in conventional and virtual classes of distance education university: examining two approaches of teaching grammar

F Khodabndeh - Journal of English Language Teaching and …, 2021 - elt.tabrizu.ac.ir
Collaborative technologies provide opportunities for English foreign language learners
(EFL) to have interactive learning and access to online interactive environments. Interactions …

Thai pre-service teachers' beliefs about the learner-centred approach and their classroom practices

D Naruemon - 2013 - theses.ncl.ac.uk
The learner-centred approach has been widely used, not only in general education, but also
in language teaching, since the 1960s. However, the meaning of this approach has been …

Exploring the impact of excessive teacher talk time on participation and learning of English language learners

AH Malik, MA Jalall, SAR Abbasi, A Rashid - VFAST Transactions on …, 2023 - vfast.org
This paper explores the imbalance between teacher talk time (TTT) and student talk time
(STT) in Pakistani colleges intermediate English language classrooms. The objective of the …

A conversation analysis of teacher talk and learners' involvement in a Pakistani ESL classroom

M Ahmad, DA Shakir, A Arshad - Pakistan Journal of …, 2021 - journals.pu.edu.pk
This study aimed to investigate the amount of teacher talk, frequently asked teacher
questions, and the quality of teacher talk in terms of facilitation to language acquisition in an …

Good Or Bad Teaching Practices? Learning From Efl Classrooms

T Suwartono, PS Mularsih… - Khazanah …, 2022 - jurnalnasional.ump.ac.id
Many factors why EFL learners in Indonesia tend to think that English is difficult to learn, one
of which is how the teachers" cook" the teaching learning process to make them" drooling" …

Strategic Talk in TTT and Students' Self-reported Strategy Use: A Moroccan EFL Classroom

I Messaoudi, S Sakale - Journal of English Language …, 2024 - al-kindipublishers.org
The present study aimed to examine 'strategic talk'in teachers' talking time (TTT) and
students' strategic awareness. This was carried out in a model classroom involving a group …