Supporting collaborative learning and problem-solving in a constraint-based CSCL environment for UML class diagrams

N Baghaei, A Mitrovic, W Irwin - International Journal of Computer …, 2007 - Springer
We present COLLECT-UML, a constraint-based intelligent tutoring system (ITS) that teaches
object-oriented analysis and design using Unified Modelling Language (UML). UML is …

On analysis of collaborative problem solving: An object-oriented approach

N Avouris, A Dimitracopoulou, V Komis - Computers in Human Behavior, 2003 - Elsevier
During the last decade an increased interest has been observed on computer-supported
collaborative problem solving. This relatively new area of research requires new …

Designing collaborative learning systems: current trends & future research agenda

A Dimitracopoulou - Computer Supported Collaborative Learning …, 2017 -
The research community, in order to support learning as well as collaboration, has designed
systems, which, distinctive from common web-based ones (simply enabling collaborative …

Computer-supported collaborative concept map**: Study of synchronous peer interaction

V Komis, N Avouris, C Fidas - Education and Information Technologies, 2002 - Springer
The paper studies undergraduate students' synchronous peer interaction using a shared
Activity Space and a text communication tool. Several groups of students collaborated in …

Evaluating system‐based strategies for managing conflict in collaborative concept map**

CH Chiu - Journal of computer assisted learning, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
This study examined the influence of various conflict management mechanisms embedded
into computer‐supported collaborative concept map** systems on the behaviour and …

ModellingSpace: Interaction Design and Architecture of a collaborative modelling environment

N Avouris, M Margaritis, V Komis… - Learning …, 2003 -
This paper describes the architecture of the ModelllingSpace open problem-solving
environment. Modelling-Space is a new learning environment supporting synchronous and …

Interaction and collaboration using an intelligent collaborative learning environment

RM Aiken, MN Bessagnet, J Israel - Education and Information …, 2005 - Springer
The goal of this research is to design and prototype an intelligent collaborative learning
environment. Within this environment, we study synchronous interaction among group …

A constraint-based collaborative environment for learning UML class diagrams

N Baghaei, A Mitrovic - International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring …, 2006 - Springer
COLLECT-UML is a constraint-based ITS that teaches object-oriented design using Unified
Modelling Language (UML). UMLis easily the most popular object-oriented modelling …

Teaching Algorithms in Secondary Education:: A Collaborative Approach

E Voyiatzaki, C Christakoudis, M Margaritis… - EdMedia+ Innovate …, 2004 -
The Algorithm is a fundamental concept for teaching Computer Science in Secondary
Education. There are verbal (pseudocode) and graphic (flowchart) representations of …

[PDF][PDF] A peer-to-peer architecture for synchronous collaboration over low-bandwidth networks

M Margaritis, C Fidas, N Avouris, V Komis - Proc 9th PCI, 2003 -
The need for peer-to-peer collaboration over the Internet is increasing nowadays. There are
many factors that make this task particularly difficult. Software designers and developers …