Biosorption and biotransformation of hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)]: a comprehensive review

R Jobby, P Jha, AK Yadav, N Desai - Chemosphere, 2018 - Elsevier
Chromium (VI) is one of the most common environmental contaminant due to its tremendous
industrial applications. It is non-biodegradable as it is a heavy metal, and hence, of major …

A review on cleaner strategies for chromium industrial wastewater: present research and future perspective

K GracePavithra, V Jaikumar, PS Kumar… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2019 - Elsevier
In current era, the presence of chromium in aquatic environment are increasing diversely
due to evolution activities. Chromium exist in various oxidation state and among them …

Bioremediation of toxic heavy metals (THMs) contaminated sites: concepts, applications and challenges

Z Rahman, VP Singh - Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020 - Springer
Heavy metal contamination is a global issue, where the prevalent contaminants are arsenic
(As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr)(VI), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb). More often, they are …

Chemical and microbial remediation of hexavalent chromium from contaminated soil and mining/metallurgical solid waste: a review

B Dhal, HN Thatoi, NN Das, BD Pandey - Journal of hazardous materials, 2013 - Elsevier
Chromium is a highly toxic non-essential metal for microorganisms and plants, and its
occurrence is rare in nature. Lower to higher chromium containing effluents and solid wastes …

Microbial interspecies electron transfer via electric currents through conductive minerals

S Kato, K Hashimoto, K Watanabe - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012 -
In anaerobic biota, reducing equivalents (electrons) are transferred between different
species of microbes [interspecies electron transfer (IET)], establishing the basis of …

[CARTE][B] Environmental soil chemistry

DL Sparks, B Singh, MG Siebecker - 2022 -
Environmental Soil Chemistry, Third Edition provides an up-to-date overview of the
interdisciplinary field of environmental soil chemistry. This classic text covers the …

[CARTE][B] Geomicrobiology

HL Ehrlich, DK Newman - 2008 -
Uncovers the Key Role Microbes Play in the Transformation of Oxidizable and Reducible
MineralsMany areas of geomicrobial processes are receiving serious attention from …

Biomanagement of hexavalent chromium: Current trends and promising perspectives

P Singh, N Itankar, Y Patil - Journal of Environmental Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Chromium (Cr) is most widely used heavy metal with vast applications in industrial sectors
such as metallurgy, automobile, leather, electroplating, etc. Subsequently, these industries …

Towards environmental systems biology of Shewanella

JK Fredrickson, MF Romine, AS Beliaev… - Nature Reviews …, 2008 -
Bacteria of the genus Shewanella are known for their versatile electron-accepting
capacities, which allow them to couple the decomposition of organic matter to the reduction …

Mechanism of hexavalent chromium detoxification by microorganisms and bioremediation application potential: a review

KH Cheung, JD Gu - International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2007 - Elsevier
Chromium has been widely used in various industries. Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is a
priority toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic chemical, whereas its reduced trivalent form …