Big data analytics for data-driven industry: a review of data sources, tools, challenges, solutions, and research directions

AC Ikegwu, HF Nweke, CV Anikwe, UR Alo… - Cluster …, 2022‏ - Springer
The study of big data analytics (BDA) methods for the data-driven industries is gaining
research attention and implementation in today's industrial activities, business intelligence …

Unsupervised learning approach for network intrusion detection system using autoencoders

H Choi, M Kim, G Lee, W Kim - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019‏ - Springer
Network intrusion detection systems are useful tools that support system administrators in
detecting various types of intrusions and play an important role in monitoring and analyzing …

Politics of prediction: Security and the time/space of governmentality in the age of big data

C Aradau, T Blanke - European Journal of Social Theory, 2017‏ -
From 'connecting the dots' and finding 'the needle in the haystack'to predictive policing and
data mining for counterinsurgency, security professionals have increasingly adopted the …

Governing others: Anomaly and the algorithmic subject of security

C Aradau, T Blanke - European Journal of International Security, 2018‏ -
As digital technologies and algorithmic rationalities have increasingly reconfigured security
practices, critical scholars have drawn attention to their performative effects on the …

A novel adaptive network intrusion detection system for internet of things

P Aravamudhan - Plos one, 2023‏ -
Cyber-attack is one of the most challenging aspects of information technology. After the
emergence of the Internet of Things, which is a vast network of sensors, technology started …

The field of Strategic Communications Professionals: a new research agenda for International Security

N Michelsen, T Colley - European Journal of International Security, 2019‏ -
Communication has long been accepted as integral to the conduct of international affairs.
The role that discourses, ideas, norms, and narratives play at the systemic level of world …

Predictive policing: utopia or dystopia? On attitudes towards the use of big data algorithms for law enforcement

FM Llinares - IDP: revista de Internet, derecho y política= revista …, 2020‏ -
The use of predictive AI tools to improve decision-making in relation to crime prevention and
investigation is a reality. They are being implemented almost before we fully understand …

Deep learning at the edge

S Voghoei, NH Tonekaboni, JG Wallace… - 2018 International …, 2018‏ -
The ever-increasing number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has created a new computing
paradigm, called edge computing, where most of the computations are performed at the …

Intrusion detection system using soft labeling and stacking ensemble

HN Abdoli, AJ Bidgoly, S Fallah - International Journal of Information …, 2022‏ - Springer
The using machine learning methods is one of the most important methods for creating and
designing intrusion detection systems. Learning models can be taught according to the type …

HLMD: a signature-based approach to hardware-level behavioral malware detection and classification

MB Bahador, M Abadi, A Tajoddin - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019‏ - Springer
Malicious programs, or malware, often use code obfuscation techniques to make static
analysis difficult. To deal with this problem, various behavioral detection techniques have …