Quantum repeaters: From quantum networks to the quantum internet
A quantum internet is the holy grail of quantum information processing, enabling the
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …
deployment of a broad range of quantum technologies and protocols on a global scale …
Applications of single photons to quantum communication and computing
In the context of quantum technologies, the generation and manipulation of single photons
has become a key element for applications such as quantum communication and quantum …
has become a key element for applications such as quantum communication and quantum …
Nonlinear and quantum photonics using integrated optical materials
Integrated nonlinear photonics provides transformative capabilities for controlling,
enhancing and manipulating material nonlinearities in miniaturized on-chip platforms. The …
enhancing and manipulating material nonlinearities in miniaturized on-chip platforms. The …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum magnonics: When magnon spintronics meets quantum information science
Spintronics and quantum information science are two promising candidates for innovating
information processing technologies. The combination of these two fields enables us to build …
information processing technologies. The combination of these two fields enables us to build …
Phase-programmable gaussian boson sampling using stimulated squeezed light
We report phase-programmable Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) which produces up to 113
photon detection events out of a 144-mode photonic circuit. A new high-brightness and …
photon detection events out of a 144-mode photonic circuit. A new high-brightness and …
Computational advantage of quantum random sampling
Quantum random sampling is the leading proposal for demonstrating a computational
advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
advantage of quantum computers over classical computers. Recently the first large-scale …
NISQ computing: where are we and where do we go?
In this short review article, we aim to provide physicists not working within the quantum
computing community a hopefully easy-to-read introduction to the state of the art in the field …
computing community a hopefully easy-to-read introduction to the state of the art in the field …
100,000-spin coherent Ising machine
Computers based on physical systems are increasingly anticipated to overcome the
impending limitations on digital computer performance. One such computer is a coherent …
impending limitations on digital computer performance. One such computer is a coherent …
Erasure conversion for fault-tolerant quantum computing in alkaline earth Rydberg atom arrays
Executing quantum algorithms on error-corrected logical qubits is a critical step for scalable
quantum computing, but the requisite numbers of qubits and physical error rates are …
quantum computing, but the requisite numbers of qubits and physical error rates are …
A 100-pixel photon-number-resolving detector unveiling photon statistics
Single-photon detectors are ubiquitous in quantum information science and quantum
sensing. They are key enabling technologies for numerous scientific discoveries and …
sensing. They are key enabling technologies for numerous scientific discoveries and …