[HTML][HTML] Compressive mechanical properties of cement mortar containing recycled high-density polyethylene aggregates: Stress–strain relationship
Y Aocharoen, P Chotickai - Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2021 - Elsevier
This study contributes to the understanding of the effect of recycled high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) aggregates on the compressive mechanical properties and stress …
polyethylene (HDPE) aggregates on the compressive mechanical properties and stress …
[HTML][HTML] Long-term performance of steel-concrete composite wall panels under axial compression
Innovative steel-concrete composite (SCC) walls are increasingly becoming a popular
choice in low-to-high-rise buildings due to their high load-bearing capacity and convenience …
choice in low-to-high-rise buildings due to their high load-bearing capacity and convenience …
Low strength concrete: Stress-strain curve, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength
Material characterization of low strength concrete has significant importance for
structural/seismic performance assessments of existing low-quality structures. The main …
structural/seismic performance assessments of existing low-quality structures. The main …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanical and microstructural investigations on concrete of the collapsed buildings after Kahramanmaraş earthquakes
Many cities in Türkiye have been affected by the devastating twin earthquakes in
Kahramanmaraş. Following the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, a field study was conducted …
Kahramanmaraş. Following the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, a field study was conducted …
Nonlinear numerical assessment of exterior Beam-Column connections with Low-Strength concrete
The ductility and capacity of reinforced concrete beam-column connections depend mainly
on the concrete's strength and the provided reinforcements. This study investigates …
on the concrete's strength and the provided reinforcements. This study investigates …
Seismic response of nonlinear soil-structure interaction systems through the Preisach formalism: the Messina Bell Tower case study
In this paper the seismic response of linear behaving structures resting on compliant soil is
addressed through the application of the Preisach formalism to capture the soil …
addressed through the application of the Preisach formalism to capture the soil …
[HTML][HTML] Application of artificial neural networks for prediction of concrete properties
The effect of different mix ratios on the mechanical properties of concrete was investigated.
The strength and deformation in terms of the strain of normal strength concrete were …
The strength and deformation in terms of the strain of normal strength concrete were …
Seismic fragility assessment of existing sub-standard low strength reinforced concrete structures
An analytical seismic fragility assessment framework is presented for the existing low
strength reinforced concrete structures more common in the building stock of the develo** …
strength reinforced concrete structures more common in the building stock of the develo** …
The effect of rebar embedment and CFRP confinement on the compressive strength of low-strength concrete
Low-strength concrete (LSC) elements are prone to several seismic and static loads and are
one of the priorities to be considered for FRP strengthening. However, certain provisions …
one of the priorities to be considered for FRP strengthening. However, certain provisions …
Exploring strength and ductility responses of beam-column joints using UHPC and UHPFRC employing concrete damaged plasticity
Structures subjected to severe loads, such as earthquakes, often develop cracks at the
beam-column joints, underscoring the significance of these regions in design. This study …
beam-column joints, underscoring the significance of these regions in design. This study …