Trends and developments in mindfulness research over 55 years: A bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in web of science

A Baminiwatta, I Solangaarachchi - Mindfulness, 2021 - Springer
Objectives This study aimed to identify historical developments, active research areas, and
emerging trends within scientific literature on mindfulness published so far, using …

[HTML][HTML] Mindfulness and behavior change

Z Schuman-Olivier, M Trombka, DA Lovas… - Harvard review of …, 2020 -
Initiating and maintaining behavior change is key to the prevention and treatment of most
preventable chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses. The cultivation of mindfulness …

Resting-state fMRI functional connectivity and mindfulness in clinical and non-clinical contexts: A review and synthesis

I Sezer, DA Pizzagalli, MD Sacchet - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral …, 2022 - Elsevier
This review synthesizes relations between mindfulness and resting-state fMRI functional
connectivity of brain networks. Mindfulness is characterized by present-moment awareness …

[PDF][PDF] Metacognitive and metaemotional training strategies through the nine-layer pyramid model of emotional intelligence

A Drigas, C Papoutsi, C Skianis - International Journal of Recent …, 2021 -
Emotional intelligence constitutes an important 21st century skill that impacts positively
several areas of everyday life. It contains competencies that enhance the ability of other …

The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development

V Patel, S Saxena, C Lund, G Thornicroft, F Baingana… - The lancet, 2018 -
Executive summary The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent an exponential
advance from the Millennium Development Goals, with a substantially broader agenda …

Mindfulness, age and gender as protective factors against psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemic

C Conversano, M Di Giuseppe, M Miccoli… - Frontiers in …, 2020 -
Objective Mindfulness disposition is associated with various psychological factors and
prevents emotional distress in chronic diseases. In the present study, we analyzed the key …

The promise of adolescence: Realizing opportunity for all youth

EP Backes, RJ Bonnie - 2019 -
Adolescenceâ€" beginning with the onset of puberty and ending in the mid-20sâ€" is a
critical period of development during which key areas of the brain mature and develop …

[HTML][HTML] How breath-control can change your life: a systematic review on psycho-physiological correlates of slow breathing

A Zaccaro, A Piarulli, M Laurino, E Garbella… - Frontiers in human …, 2018 -
Background: The psycho-physiological changes in brain-body interaction observed in most
of meditative and relaxing practices rely on voluntary slowing down of breath frequency …

The neuroscience of drug reward and addiction

ND Volkow, M Michaelides, R Baler - Physiological reviews, 2019 -
Drug consumption is driven by a drug's pharmacological effects, which are experienced as
rewarding, and is influenced by genetic, developmental, and psychosocial factors that …

Strategic regulation of empathy

E Weisz, M Cikara - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2021 -
Empathy is an integral part of socioemotional well-being, but recent research has
highlighted some of its downsides. Here we examine literature that establishes when, how …