A review of terminology used to describe soot formation and evolution under combustion and pyrolytic conditions
This review presents a glossary and review of terminology used to describe the chemical
and physical processes involved in soot formation and evolution and is intended to aid in …
and physical processes involved in soot formation and evolution and is intended to aid in …
Modeling soot formation in flames and reactors: Recent progress and current challenges
MJ Thomson - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023 - Elsevier
The study of soot has long been motivated by its adverse impacts on health and the
environment. However, this combustion knowledge is also relevant to the production of …
environment. However, this combustion knowledge is also relevant to the production of …
Soot formation mechanism of modern automobile engines and methods of reducing soot emissions: A review
E Jiaqiang, W Xu, Y Ma, D Tan, Q Peng, Y Tan… - Fuel Processing …, 2022 - Elsevier
As the main pollutant emitted by automobile engines, soot particles have brought great harm
to the environment and human health. However, the soot formation process in automobile …
to the environment and human health. However, the soot formation process in automobile …
CoFlame: A refined and validated numerical algorithm for modeling sooting laminar coflow diffusion flames
Mitigation of soot emissions from combustion devices is a global concern. For example,
recent EURO 6 regulations for vehicles have placed stringent limits on soot emissions. In …
recent EURO 6 regulations for vehicles have placed stringent limits on soot emissions. In …
The core–shell internal nanostructure of soot–A criterion to model soot maturity
A novel model called Surface Shell Formation (SSF) is developed which predicts soot
maturity based on the equilibrium nanostructure of poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) …
maturity based on the equilibrium nanostructure of poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) …
Comparison of multiple diagnostic techniques to study soot formation and morphology in a diffusion flame
MR Kholghy, Y Afarin, AD Sediako, J Barba… - Combustion and …, 2017 - Elsevier
Different non-intrusive optical and intrusive non optical diagnostic methods are used to
measure flame and soot properties in a laminar coflow diffusion flame in order to compare …
measure flame and soot properties in a laminar coflow diffusion flame in order to compare …
Experimental and numerical study of soot formation in laminar coflow diffusion flames of gasoline/ethanol blends
This paper reports the experimental and numerical results of soot formation in laminar
coflow diffusion flames of vaporized gasoline/ethanol blends at atmospheric pressure to …
coflow diffusion flames of vaporized gasoline/ethanol blends at atmospheric pressure to …
Comparative study of the soot formation process in a “nucleation” and a “sooting” low pressure premixed methane flame
P Desgroux, A Faccinetto, X Mercier, T Mouton… - Combustion and …, 2017 - Elsevier
The soot formation process was investigated in two low pressure premixed methane flames:
a reference sooting flame with equivalence ratio 2.32 and a so called nucleation flame with …
a reference sooting flame with equivalence ratio 2.32 and a so called nucleation flame with …
The importance of accurately modelling soot and radiation coupling in laminar and laboratory-scale turbulent diffusion flames
Ultrafine and highly light absorbing soot particles have been known to be harmful to human
health and a major climate forcer. Understanding the mechanisms of soot formation and …
health and a major climate forcer. Understanding the mechanisms of soot formation and …
Application of PAH-condensation reversibility in modeling soot growth in laminar premixed and nonpremixed flames
A new model for condensation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the surface of
soot particles is developed based on the reversibility of the process. Statistical mechanics …
soot particles is developed based on the reversibility of the process. Statistical mechanics …