[KNYGA][B] Combinatorics, words and symbolic dynamics
Internationally recognised researchers look at develo** trends in combinatorics with
applications in the study of words and in symbolic dynamics. They explain the important …
applications in the study of words and in symbolic dynamics. They explain the important …
Natural extensions and entropy of α-continued fractions
We construct a natural extension for each of Nakada's α-continued fraction transformations
and show the continuity as a function of α of both the entropy and the measure of the natural …
and show the continuity as a function of α of both the entropy and the measure of the natural …
[HTML][HTML] Ergodicity of N-continued fraction expansions
Recently, Edward Burger and his co-authors introduced and studied in Burger et al.(2008)[3]
a new class of continued fraction algorithms. In particular they showed that for every …
a new class of continued fraction algorithms. In particular they showed that for every …
The random continued fraction transformation
We introduce a random dynamical system related to continued fraction expansions. It uses
random combinations of the Gauss map and the Rényi (or backwards) continued fraction …
random combinations of the Gauss map and the Rényi (or backwards) continued fraction …
Invariant measures, matching and the frequency of 0 for signed binary expansions
K Dajani, C Kalle - Publications of the Research Institute for …, 2020 - ems.press
Invariant Measures, Matching and the Frequency of 0 for Signed Binary Expansions Page 1
Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 56 (2020), 701–742 DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/56-4-2 Invariant Measures …
Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 56 (2020), 701–742 DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/56-4-2 Invariant Measures …
[HTML][HTML] Matching for generalised β-transformations
H Bruin, C Carminati, C Kalle - Indagationes Mathematicae, 2017 - Elsevier
We investigate matching for the family T α (x)= β x+ α (mod 1), α∈[0, 1], for fixed β> 1.
Matching refers to the property that there is an n∈ N such that T α n (0)= T α n (1). We show …
Matching refers to the property that there is an n∈ N such that T α n (0)= T α n (1). We show …
Cross sections for geodesic flows and α-continued fractions
P Arnoux, TA Schmidt - Nonlinearity, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
We adjust Arnoux's coding, in terms of regular continued fractions, of the geodesic flow on
the modular surface to give a cross section on which the return map is a double cover of the …
the modular surface to give a cross section on which the return map is a double cover of the …
Symbolic dynamics for the geodesic flow on Hecke surfaces
In this paper we discuss a coding and the associated symbolic dynamics for the geodesic
flow on Hecke triangle surfaces. We construct an explicit cross section for which the first …
flow on Hecke triangle surfaces. We construct an explicit cross section for which the first …
Matching for a family of infinite measure continued fraction transformations
C Kalle, N Langeveld, M Maggioni… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019 - arxiv.org
As a natural counterpart to Nakada's $\alpha $-continued fraction maps, we study a one-
parameter family of continued fraction transformations with an indifferent fixed point. We …
parameter family of continued fraction transformations with an indifferent fixed point. We …
Ergodicity of Iwasawa continued fractions via markable hyperbolic geodesics
A Lukyanenko, J Vandehey - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical …, 2023 - cambridge.org
We prove the convergence and ergodicity of a wide class of real and higher-dimensional
continued fraction algorithms, including folded and-type variants of complex, quaternionic …
continued fraction algorithms, including folded and-type variants of complex, quaternionic …