Utilizing Digital Literacy in Anticipating the Political Education Gap for Women

S Lubis, NF Nasution - Journal Elections and Political …, 2024‏ - jurnal.literasipublisher.co.id
The ability to use digital technology as a problem solver and think critically are essential
skills in various fields. In addition, digital literacy is used to obtain information about rights …

[PDF][PDF] Learning lessons for Indonesia regarding the empowerment of women through digital literacy

M Rahmatunnisa - e-Journal of Media and Society (e-JOMS), 2024‏ - myjms.mohe.gov.my
Despite the fact that the number of men and women in the world's population are about
identical, women have not yet achieved equality with their counterparts in many aspects …

Sosialisasi Sanksi Sosial Dan Hukum Dampak Hoax Menjelang Pemilu 2024 Pada Komunitas Ina Ina Familiar Di Kabupaten Konawe

ER Tuwu, J Teke - Pedamas (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 2024‏ - pekatpkm.my.id
Tulisan ini hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam rangkaian sosialisasi sanksi sosial
dan hukum dampak hoax menjelang Pemilu 2024 yang dilaksanakan pada dua komunitas …