Remote detection of invasive plants: a review of spectral, textural and phenological approaches
BA Bradley - Biological invasions, 2014 - Springer
Remote sensing image analysis is increasingly being used as a tool for map** invasive
plant species. Resulting distribution maps can be used to target management of early …
plant species. Resulting distribution maps can be used to target management of early …
Benefits of hyperspectral remote sensing for tracking plant invasions
Aim We aim to report what hyperspectral remote sensing can offer for invasion ecologists
and review recent progress made in plant invasion research using hyperspectral remote …
and review recent progress made in plant invasion research using hyperspectral remote …
Advances in hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and agricultural crops
Hyperspectral data (Table 1) is acquired as continuous narrowbands (eg, each band with 1
to 10 nanometer or nm bandwidths) over a range of electromagnetic spectrum (eg, 400 …
to 10 nanometer or nm bandwidths) over a range of electromagnetic spectrum (eg, 400 …
Timing is important: Unmanned aircraft vs. satellite imagery in plant invasion monitoring
The rapid spread of invasive plants makes their management increasingly difficult. Remote
sensing offers a means of fast and efficient monitoring, but still the optimal methodologies …
sensing offers a means of fast and efficient monitoring, but still the optimal methodologies …
Identification of invasive vegetation using hyperspectral remote sensing in the California Delta ecosystem
Estuaries are among the most invaded ecosystems on the planet. Such invasions have led
in part, to the formation of a massive $1 billion restoration effort in California's Sacramento …
in part, to the formation of a massive $1 billion restoration effort in California's Sacramento …
The role of environmental context in map** invasive plants with hyperspectral image data
Lepidium latifolium (perennial pepperweed) is a noxious Eurasian weed invading riparian
and wetland areas of the western US. Effective management of Lepidium requires detailed …
and wetland areas of the western US. Effective management of Lepidium requires detailed …
Commercial tree species discrimination using airborne AISA Eagle hyperspectral imagery and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) in KwaZulu–Natal …
Discriminating commercial tree species using hyperspectral remote sensing techniques is
critical in monitoring the spatial distributions and compositions of commercial forests …
critical in monitoring the spatial distributions and compositions of commercial forests …
Map** the flowering of an invasive plant using unmanned aerial vehicles: is there potential for biocontrol monitoring?
Invasion by alien species is a worldwide phenomenon with negative consequences at both
natural and production areas. Acacia longifolia is an invasive shrub/small tree well known …
natural and production areas. Acacia longifolia is an invasive shrub/small tree well known …
Potential of remote sensing to predict species invasions: A modelling perspective
Understanding the causes and effects of species invasions is a priority in ecology and
conservation biology. One of the crucial steps in evaluating the impact of invasive species is …
conservation biology. One of the crucial steps in evaluating the impact of invasive species is …
Habitat suitability modelling of an invasive plant with advanced remote sensing data
Abstract Aim Lepidium latifolium (Brassicaceae; perennial pepperweed) is a noxious
Eurasian weed invading riparian and wetland areas of the western USA. Understanding …
Eurasian weed invading riparian and wetland areas of the western USA. Understanding …