[PDF][PDF] A Systematic Review of Automated Classification for Simple and Complex Query SQL on NoSQL Database.
ABSTRACT A data lake (DL), abbreviated as DL, denotes a vast reservoir or repository of
data. It accumulates substantial volumes of data and employs advanced analytics to …
data. It accumulates substantial volumes of data and employs advanced analytics to …
Schema extraction in NoSQL databases: a systematic literature review
Introduction: Nowadays, NoSQL databases have taken on an increasingly important role in
the storage of massive data within companies. Due to a common property called schema …
the storage of massive data within companies. Due to a common property called schema …
Enola: Jogo sério para ensino de SQL
JGMB Nepomuceno, JF de Souza - Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2022 - sol.sbc.org.br
A disciplina de Banco de Dados está presente no currículo de cursos da área de
Computação, porém, em comparação com outras disciplinas, possui poucas abordagens …
Computação, porém, em comparação com outras disciplinas, possui poucas abordagens …
An innovative model for extracting olap cubes from nosql database based on scalable naïve bayes classifier
Due to unstructured and large amounts of data, relational databases are no longer suitable
for data management. As a result, new databases known as NOSQL have been introduced …
for data management. As a result, new databases known as NOSQL have been introduced …
Extraction of semantic links from a document-oriented NoSQL database
The prior declaration of a schema when creating a database (DB) is not necessary for most
NoSQL systems. This “Schemaless” property is important since it provides undeniable …
NoSQL systems. This “Schemaless” property is important since it provides undeniable …
[PDF][PDF] Extraction Process of the Logical Schema of a Document-oriented NoSQL Database.
The" schemaless" property, common to most NoSQL systems, means the absence of a data
schema when creating a database (DB). This property brings an undeniable flexibility by …
schema when creating a database (DB). This property brings an undeniable flexibility by …
Towards an Integrated Provenance Framework: A Scenario for Marine Data
Research data is very valuable, and its collection is time-consuming, work-intensive, and
expensive. Therefore, it has become good scientific practice to make as much data as …
expensive. Therefore, it has become good scientific practice to make as much data as …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a new hybrid approach for building document-oriented data warehouses
N El Moukhi, I El Azami, S Hajbi - International Journal of Electrical …, 2022 - academia.edu
Schemaless databases offer a large storage capacity while guaranteeing high performance
in data processing. Unlike relational databases, which are rigid and have shown their …
in data processing. Unlike relational databases, which are rigid and have shown their …
[HTML][HTML] Query Model Framework Design for Conservation History and Endowments Database: A Case Study on the Digitization of the Sumedang Larang Kingdom's …
The use of structured query formulation languages is a method for gaining access to data in
information management systems. Writing structured queries is a powerful method of data …
information management systems. Writing structured queries is a powerful method of data …
Designing an Efficient and Scalable Relational Database Schema: Principles of Design for Data Modeling
RK Rajendran, TM Priya - The Software Principles of Design for Data …, 2023 - igi-global.com
Relational databases are a critical component of modern software applications, providing a
reliable and scalable method for storing and managing data. A well-designed database …
reliable and scalable method for storing and managing data. A well-designed database …