Simulation in manufacturing and business: A review
This paper reports the results of a review of simulation applications published within peer-
reviewed literature between 1997 and 2006 to provide an up-to-date picture of the role of …
reviewed literature between 1997 and 2006 to provide an up-to-date picture of the role of …
Applying system dynamics modelling to strategic management: A literature review
System dynamics (SD) has been proved to be a useful methodology to support both
understanding and learning processes of complex systems and phenomena. Since its …
understanding and learning processes of complex systems and phenomena. Since its …
Digital twin-enabled real-time synchronization for planning, scheduling, and execution in precast on-site assembly
Planning, scheduling, and execution (PSE) are essential for coordinating tasks during on-
site assembly in prefabricated construction. Real-time synchronization supports …
site assembly in prefabricated construction. Real-time synchronization supports …
Digital twin-driven deep reinforcement learning for adaptive task allocation in robotic construction
In order to accomplish diverse tasks successfully in a dynamic (ie, changing over time)
construction environment, robots should be able to prioritize assigned tasks to optimize their …
construction environment, robots should be able to prioritize assigned tasks to optimize their …
Key project management practices affecting Singaporean firms' project performance in China
FYY Ling, SP Low, SQ Wang, HH Lim - International Journal of project …, 2009 - Elsevier
Foreign (non-mainland Chinese) architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) firms
may face difficulties managing construction projects in China because they are unfamiliar …
may face difficulties managing construction projects in China because they are unfamiliar …
A hybrid simulation model for the allocation of shared resources in a project portfolio
L Bai, J Lin, Q **e, Y Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 -
To reasonably allocate shared resources (SRs) in project portfolios (PP) and realize PP's
maximal benefits, in this article, we propose a hybrid SRs allocation model based on system …
maximal benefits, in this article, we propose a hybrid SRs allocation model based on system …
A model for simulating schedule risks in prefabrication housing production: A case study of six-day cycle assembly activities in Hong Kong
The construction industry in Hong Kong has been exposed to serious housing production
issues such as insufficient manpower, safety, environmental concerns and inefficient …
issues such as insufficient manpower, safety, environmental concerns and inefficient …
Toward a non‐organizational theory of human resource management? A complex adaptive systems perspective on the human resource management ecosystem in …
The emergence of the temporary organization has ushered in a new logic of organizing
accompanied by paradigm‐shifting challenges with respect to how the evolving nature of …
accompanied by paradigm‐shifting challenges with respect to how the evolving nature of …
Barriers to adopting simulation modelling in construction industry
Research efforts have been proving that computer simulation is a useful decision-support
tool for construction projects for more than four decades. Nevertheless, it has not gained …
tool for construction projects for more than four decades. Nevertheless, it has not gained …
Automated methods and systems for construction planning and scheduling: Critical review of three decades of research
Over the last 3 decades, a large body of research focused on automated construction
planning and scheduling. Some of these efforts introduced methods to use design …
planning and scheduling. Some of these efforts introduced methods to use design …