News recommendation systems-accomplishments, challenges & future directions
News publishers have decreased disseminating news through conventional newspapers
and have migrated to the use of digital means like websites and purpose-built mobile …
and have migrated to the use of digital means like websites and purpose-built mobile …
Attention to news and its dissemination on Twitter: A survey
In recent years, news media have been hugely disrupted by news promotion, commentary
and sharing in online, social media (eg, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit). This disruption has …
and sharing in online, social media (eg, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit). This disruption has …
GHRS: Graph-based hybrid recommendation system with application to movie recommendation
Research about recommender systems emerges over the last decade and comprises
valuable services to increase different companies' revenue. While most existing …
valuable services to increase different companies' revenue. While most existing …
A content-based recommendation algorithm for learning resources
Automatic multimedia learning resources recommendation has become an increasingly
relevant problem: it allows students to discover new learning resources that match their …
relevant problem: it allows students to discover new learning resources that match their …
Database-guided segmentation of anatomical structures with complex appearance
The segmentation of anatomical structures has been traditionally formulated as a perceptual
grou** task, and solved through clustering and variational approaches. However, such …
grou** task, and solved through clustering and variational approaches. However, such …
Learning to collaborate: Multi-scenario ranking via multi-agent reinforcement learning
Ranking is a fundamental and widely studied problem in scenarios such as search,
advertising, and recommendation. However, joint optimization for multi-scenario ranking …
advertising, and recommendation. However, joint optimization for multi-scenario ranking …
Streamingrec: a framework for benchmarking stream-based news recommenders
News is one of the earliest application domains of recommender systems, and
recommending items from a virtually endless stream of news is still a relevant problem …
recommending items from a virtually endless stream of news is still a relevant problem …
A data-driven approach for Twitter hashtag recommendation
This paper addresses the hashtag recommendation problem using high average-utility
pattern mining. We introduce a novel framework called PM-HRec (Pattern Mining for …
pattern mining. We introduce a novel framework called PM-HRec (Pattern Mining for …
Co-attention memory network for multimodal microblog's hashtag recommendation
Hashtags are keywords describing a topic or a theme and are usually chosen by
microblogging users. Hence, the hashtags can be used to categorize microblog posts. With …
microblogging users. Hence, the hashtags can be used to categorize microblog posts. With …
AMNN: Attention-based multimodal neural network model for hashtag recommendation
In the real-world social networks, hashtags are widely applied for understanding the content
of an individual microblog. However, users do not always take the initiative in attaching …
of an individual microblog. However, users do not always take the initiative in attaching …