Synthesis and characterization of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides: Recent progress from a vacuum surface science perspective
Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a diverse group of materials whose
properties vary from semiconducting to metallic with a variety of many body phenomena …
properties vary from semiconducting to metallic with a variety of many body phenomena …
Molecular beam epitaxy growth and scanning tunneling microscopy study of 2D layered materials on epitaxial graphene/silicon carbide
H Lu, W Liu, H Wang, X Liu, Y Zhang, D Yang… - …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Since the advent of atomically flat graphene, two-dimensional (2D) layered materials have
gained extensive interest due to their unique properties. The 2D layered materials prepared …
gained extensive interest due to their unique properties. The 2D layered materials prepared …
Electronic structure and charge-density wave transition in monolayer VS2
Vanadium disulfide (VS 2) attracts elevated interests for its charge-density wave (CDW)
phase transition, ferromagnetism, and catalytic reactivity, but the electronic structure of …
phase transition, ferromagnetism, and catalytic reactivity, but the electronic structure of …
Coexisting Charge-Ordered States with Distinct Driving Mechanisms in Monolayer VSe2
Thinning crystalline materials to two dimensions (2D) creates a rich playground for
electronic phases, including charge, spin, superconducting, and topological order. Bulk …
electronic phases, including charge, spin, superconducting, and topological order. Bulk …
Multiple charge density wave phases of monolayer VSe2 manifested by graphene substrates
A combined study of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is conducted to understand the multiple charge …
photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is conducted to understand the multiple charge …
Emergence of two distinct phase transitions in monolayer CoSe2 on graphene
Dimensional modifications play a crucial role in various applications, especially in the
context of device miniaturization, giving rise to novel quantum phenomena. The many-body …
context of device miniaturization, giving rise to novel quantum phenomena. The many-body …
Competing magnetic and nonmagnetic states in monolayer with charge density wave
The field of two-dimensional ferromagnets has been reinvigorated by the discovery of VSe 2
monolayer grown on van der Waals substrates, which is reported to be ferromagnetic with a …
monolayer grown on van der Waals substrates, which is reported to be ferromagnetic with a …
Lattice Dynamics Driven by Tunneling Current in 1T′ Structure of Bilayer VSe2
Interesting lattice dynamics were recently reported in 1T′ structure of bilayer VSe 2
attributed to the vibration of Se atoms, but it was limited to topographic observation using …
attributed to the vibration of Se atoms, but it was limited to topographic observation using …
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JGB Henke - inspirehep.net
Electrons in a piece of material are very different from their lonesome counterparts
considered in particle physics. In being surrounded by billions of other electrons and atomic …
considered in particle physics. In being surrounded by billions of other electrons and atomic …