Living while fat: Development and validation of the Fat Microaggressions Scale.
Fat microaggressions are microlevel social practices in the form of commonplace everyday
indignities that insult fat people and have been documented anecdotally and qualitatively …
indignities that insult fat people and have been documented anecdotally and qualitatively …
Obesity Bias and Stigma, attitudes, and beliefs among intern doctors: a cross-sectional study from Türkiye
Background The purpose of this study was to determine intern physicians' attitudes and
beliefs toward obesity and individuals with obesity and the frequency at which they …
beliefs toward obesity and individuals with obesity and the frequency at which they …
First do no harm: reconsidering our approach to weight in primary care
Weight stigma may be defined as 'the social devaluation, denigration, and marginalization
of'higher-weight individuals.'1 Weight stigma is well documented in the healthcare context …
of'higher-weight individuals.'1 Weight stigma is well documented in the healthcare context …