Nitrogen deposition and climate: an integrated synthesis
ET Borer, CJ Stevens - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2022 - cell.com
Human activities have more than doubled reactive nitrogen (N) deposited in ecosystems,
perturbing the N cycle and considerably impacting plant, animal, and microbial communities …
perturbing the N cycle and considerably impacting plant, animal, and microbial communities …
Nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment cause declines in invertebrate populations: a global meta‐analysis
Human‐driven changes in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs are modifying
biogeochemical cycles and the trophic state of many habitats worldwide. These alterations …
biogeochemical cycles and the trophic state of many habitats worldwide. These alterations …
Nutrient enrichment increases invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage in grasslands
Plant damage by invertebrate herbivores and pathogens influences the dynamics of
grassland ecosystems, but anthropogenic changes in nitrogen and phosphorus availability …
grassland ecosystems, but anthropogenic changes in nitrogen and phosphorus availability …
Large mammalian herbivores affect arthropod food webs via changes in vegetation characteristics and microclimate
Large mammalian herbivores are vital components of terrestrial ecosystems, influencing the
plants they feed on, but also serving as ecosystem engineers that impact the occurrence and …
plants they feed on, but also serving as ecosystem engineers that impact the occurrence and …
Realistic rates of nitrogen addition increase carbon flux rates but do not change soil carbon stocks in a temperate grassland
Abstract Changes in the biosphere carbon (C) sink are of utmost importance given rising
atmospheric CO2 levels. Concurrent global changes, such as increasing nitrogen (N) …
atmospheric CO2 levels. Concurrent global changes, such as increasing nitrogen (N) …
Globally consistent response of plant microbiome diversity across hosts and continents to soil nutrients and herbivores
All multicellular organisms host a diverse microbiome composed of microbial pathogens,
mutualists, and commensals, and changes in microbiome diversity or composition can alter …
mutualists, and commensals, and changes in microbiome diversity or composition can alter …
Bottom‐up when it is not top‐down: Predators and plants control biomass of grassland arthropods
We investigate where bottom‐up and top‐down control regulates ecological communities as
a mechanism linking ecological gradients to the geography of consumer abundance and …
a mechanism linking ecological gradients to the geography of consumer abundance and …
A distributed experiment demonstrates widespread sodium limitation in grassland food webs
Sodium (Na) has a unique role in food webs as a nutrient primarily limiting for plant
consumers, but not other trophic levels. Environmental Na levels vary with proximity to …
consumers, but not other trophic levels. Environmental Na levels vary with proximity to …
Vertebrate grazing can mitigate impacts of nutrient addition on plant diversity and insect abundance in a semi‐natural grassland
Human‐induced nutrient eutrophication is a major threat to grassland biodiversity, because
it promotes the dominance of fast‐growing plants. Negative impacts of fertilization on plant …
it promotes the dominance of fast‐growing plants. Negative impacts of fertilization on plant …
[HTML][HTML] Trade-offs between passive and trophic rewilding for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Trophic rewilding that reintroduces large animals into landscapes to re-establish food web
interactions and restore biodiverse ecosystems has gained widespread attention. Despite …
interactions and restore biodiverse ecosystems has gained widespread attention. Despite …