Complexity and expressive power of logic programming
This article surveys various complexity and expressiveness results on different forms of logic
programming. The main focus is on decidable forms of logic programming, in particular …
programming. The main focus is on decidable forms of logic programming, in particular …
[HTML][HTML] Methods for solving reasoning problems in abstract argumentation–a survey
Within the last decade, abstract argumentation has emerged as a central field in Artificial
Intelligence. Besides providing a core formalism for many advanced argumentation systems …
Intelligence. Besides providing a core formalism for many advanced argumentation systems …
Answer set programming at a glance
Answer set programming at a glance Page 1 C r e D It t K 92 CommunICatIonS of tHe aCm |
DeceMBer 2011 | voL. 54 | No. 12 review articles Page 2 C r e D It t K review articles DeceMBer …
DeceMBer 2011 | voL. 54 | No. 12 review articles Page 2 C r e D It t K review articles DeceMBer …
Applications of answer set programming
ASP has been applied fruitfully to a wide range of areas in AI and in other fields, both in
academia and in industry, thanks to the expressive representation languages of ASP and …
academia and in industry, thanks to the expressive representation languages of ASP and …
An introduction to argumentation semantics
This paper presents an overview on the state of the art of semantics for
abstractargumentation, covering both some of the most influential literature proposalsand …
abstractargumentation, covering both some of the most influential literature proposalsand …
[KNJIGA][B] Knowledge representation and reasoning
R Brachman, H Levesque - 2004 - books.google.com
Knowledge representation is at the very core of a radical idea for understanding intelligence.
Instead of trying to understand or build brains from the bottom up, its goal is to understand …
Instead of trying to understand or build brains from the bottom up, its goal is to understand …
[KNJIGA][B] Knowledge representation, reasoning and declarative problem solving
C Baral - 2003 - books.google.com
Knowledge management and knowledge-based intelligence are areas of importance in the
economy and society, and to exploit them fully and efficiently it is necessary both to …
economy and society, and to exploit them fully and efficiently it is necessary both to …
[KNJIGA][B] Knowledge representation, reasoning, and the design of intelligent agents: The answer-set programming approach
M Gelfond, Y Kahl - 2014 - books.google.com
Knowledge representation and reasoning is the foundation of artificial intelligence,
declarative programming, and the design of knowledge-intensive software systems capable …
declarative programming, and the design of knowledge-intensive software systems capable …
[KNJIGA][B] Answer set programming
V Lifschitz - 2019 - cdn.aaai.org
Answer set programming (ASP) is a form of declarative programming oriented towards
difficult search problems. As an outgrowth of research on the use of nonmonotonic …
difficult search problems. As an outgrowth of research on the use of nonmonotonic …
The DLV system for knowledge representation and reasoning
Disjunctive Logic Programming (DLP) is an advanced formalism for knowledge
representation and reasoning, which is very expressive in a precise mathematical sense: it …
representation and reasoning, which is very expressive in a precise mathematical sense: it …