Підвищення експлуатаційної надійності та ефективності роботи електричних мереж та електроустаковання: монографія

Є Зайцев, В Кучанський… - Publishing house « …, 2024 - publishing.logos-science.com
В монографії викладені теоретичні та практичні питання підвищення експлуатаційної
надійності та ефективності роботи електричних мереж та електроустаковання …

[HTML][HTML] Assessment of the Effect of Corona Discharge on Synchronous Generator Self-Excitation

HA Al_Issa, M Drechny, I Trrad, M Qawaqzeh… - Energies, 2022 - mdpi.com
The method of operative determination of active power losses (both loading and crown) in
alternating current lines has been improved. The proposed technique allows monitoring of …

[HTML][HTML] Optimal Determination Method of the Transposition Steps of An Extra-High Voltage Power Transmission Line

A Khasawneh, M Qawaqzeh, V Kuchanskyy… - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
During the design of extra-high-voltage transmission lines, studies of the influence of
asymmetry due to the phase difference of the parameters on its processes and the electrical …

Efficiency increase of open phase modes in bulk electrical networks

VV Kuchanskyy, DO Malakhatka, I Blinov - Systems, Decision and Control …, 2021 - Springer
The current state of power engineering in industrialized countries is characterized by the
following trends: the continuing growth of loads determined by the development of the …

Measures and technical means for increasing efficiency and reliability of extra high voltage transmission lines

V Kuchanskyy, S Paul, O Rubanenko… - … , Vol. 96,№ 11: 135-141., 2020 - ir.lib.vntu.edu.ua
Electromagnetic transients are considered in the implementation of three-phase automatic
reclose on the transmission line of extra high voltage 750 kV. The influence of automatic …

Sustainable Futures in a Changing World–Reflections from the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and …

AE Kiv, SO Semerikov, PP Nechypurenko… - … Series: Earth and …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper presents an overview of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Futures:
Environmental, Technological, Social, and Economic Matters (ICSF 2024), held in May …

Operating Modes Optimization of Bulk Electrical Power Networks: Structural and Parametrical Methods

V Kuchanskyy, D Malakhatka… - Power Systems Research …, 2022 - Springer
One of the main elements of the power system is the extra high voltage transmission lines,
which are system-forming for the bulk electric networks. The normal operation of the …

Method of Regulating the Operating Modes of Main Electrical Systems in Terms of Voltage and Reactive Power

V Kuchanskyy, V Tereshchuk - Systems, Decision and Control in Energy III, 2021 - Springer
To meet the needs of consumers in reactive power and to cover reactive power losses in
power lines and power transformers (autotransformers), the following reactive power …

Method for calculation controlled compensating devices parameters extra high voltage power lines

V Kuchanskyy, I Zaitsev, M Bajaj… - 2021 IEEE 3rd …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
One of the main elements of the power system is the extra high voltage transmission lines,
which are systemforming for the bulk electric networks. The normal operation of the …

Заходи та технічні засоби підвищення ефективності режимів роботи магістральних електричних мереж: монографія

В Кучанський, Д Малахатка - Publishing house « …, 2024 - publishing.logos-science.com
Виконано огляд проблем експлуатації режимів ліній електропередавання надвисокої
напруги. Відзначено, що в сучасних умовах експлуатації магістральних електричних …