Підвищення експлуатаційної надійності та ефективності роботи електричних мереж та електроустаковання: монографія
Є Зайцев, В Кучанський… - Publishing house « …, 2024 - publishing.logos-science.com
В монографії викладені теоретичні та практичні питання підвищення експлуатаційної
надійності та ефективності роботи електричних мереж та електроустаковання …
надійності та ефективності роботи електричних мереж та електроустаковання …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of the Effect of Corona Discharge on Synchronous Generator Self-Excitation
The method of operative determination of active power losses (both loading and crown) in
alternating current lines has been improved. The proposed technique allows monitoring of …
alternating current lines has been improved. The proposed technique allows monitoring of …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal Determination Method of the Transposition Steps of An Extra-High Voltage Power Transmission Line
During the design of extra-high-voltage transmission lines, studies of the influence of
asymmetry due to the phase difference of the parameters on its processes and the electrical …
asymmetry due to the phase difference of the parameters on its processes and the electrical …
Efficiency increase of open phase modes in bulk electrical networks
The current state of power engineering in industrialized countries is characterized by the
following trends: the continuing growth of loads determined by the development of the …
following trends: the continuing growth of loads determined by the development of the …
Measures and technical means for increasing efficiency and reliability of extra high voltage transmission lines
Electromagnetic transients are considered in the implementation of three-phase automatic
reclose on the transmission line of extra high voltage 750 kV. The influence of automatic …
reclose on the transmission line of extra high voltage 750 kV. The influence of automatic …
Sustainable Futures in a Changing World–Reflections from the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and …
This paper presents an overview of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Futures:
Environmental, Technological, Social, and Economic Matters (ICSF 2024), held in May …
Environmental, Technological, Social, and Economic Matters (ICSF 2024), held in May …
Operating Modes Optimization of Bulk Electrical Power Networks: Structural and Parametrical Methods
V Kuchanskyy, D Malakhatka… - Power Systems Research …, 2022 - Springer
One of the main elements of the power system is the extra high voltage transmission lines,
which are system-forming for the bulk electric networks. The normal operation of the …
which are system-forming for the bulk electric networks. The normal operation of the …
Method of Regulating the Operating Modes of Main Electrical Systems in Terms of Voltage and Reactive Power
To meet the needs of consumers in reactive power and to cover reactive power losses in
power lines and power transformers (autotransformers), the following reactive power …
power lines and power transformers (autotransformers), the following reactive power …
Method for calculation controlled compensating devices parameters extra high voltage power lines
One of the main elements of the power system is the extra high voltage transmission lines,
which are systemforming for the bulk electric networks. The normal operation of the …
which are systemforming for the bulk electric networks. The normal operation of the …
Заходи та технічні засоби підвищення ефективності режимів роботи магістральних електричних мереж: монографія
Виконано огляд проблем експлуатації режимів ліній електропередавання надвисокої
напруги. Відзначено, що в сучасних умовах експлуатації магістральних електричних …
напруги. Відзначено, що в сучасних умовах експлуатації магістральних електричних …