Shared decision making and physical therapy: what, when, how, and why?
Background Shared decision making is a means of translating evidence into practice and
facilitating patient-centred care by hel** patients to become more active in the decision …
facilitating patient-centred care by hel** patients to become more active in the decision …
A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and management of various shoulder disorders
Objective To perform a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) covering the
management of common shoulder disorders. Data Sources A systematic search of CPGs on …
management of common shoulder disorders. Data Sources A systematic search of CPGs on …
Unintended consequences: quantifying the benefits, iatrogenic harms and downstream cascade costs of musculoskeletal MRI in UK primary care
Objectives The largest proportion of general practitioner (GP) magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) is musculoskeletal (MSK), with consistent annual growth. With limited supporting …
(MRI) is musculoskeletal (MSK), with consistent annual growth. With limited supporting …
Public and patient perceptions of diagnostic labels for non-specific low back pain: a content analysis
Purpose An online randomised experiment found that the labels lumbar sprain, non-specific
low back pain (LBP), and episode of back pain reduced perceived need for imaging, surgery …
low back pain (LBP), and episode of back pain reduced perceived need for imaging, surgery …
Do maladaptive imaging beliefs predict self-reported pain interference and physical function in patients with musculoskeletal disorders?
OBJECTIVE: To determine if maladaptive imaging beliefs correlated with, and predicted pain
interference and physical function outcomes in people with musculoskeletal pain disorders …
interference and physical function outcomes in people with musculoskeletal pain disorders …
Management of patients presenting with low back pain to a private hospital emergency department in Melbourne, Australia
Objective Recent studies suggest many patients with non‐specific low back pain presenting
to public hospital EDs receive low‐value care. The primary aim was to describe …
to public hospital EDs receive low‐value care. The primary aim was to describe …
Barriers to following imaging guidelines for the treatment and management of patients with low-back pain in primary care: a qualitative assessment guided by the …
Background Low back pain (LBP) is a leading cause of disability and is among the top five
reasons that patients visit their family doctors. Over-imaging for non-specific low back pain …
reasons that patients visit their family doctors. Over-imaging for non-specific low back pain …
Patient experience of the diagnosis and management of patellofemoral pain: A qualitative exploration
Background Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is common and long-term treatment outcomes are
unsatisfactory. Qualitative exploration of diagnosis and management from the perspective of …
unsatisfactory. Qualitative exploration of diagnosis and management from the perspective of …
Role of C‐reactive protein in the bone marrow of Modic type 1 changes
Abstract Modic type 1 changes (MC1) are vertebral bone marrow lesions and associate with
low back pain. Increased serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) has inconsistently been …
low back pain. Increased serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) has inconsistently been …
Extending the straight leg raise test for improved clinical evaluation of sciatica: validity and diagnostic performance with reference to the magnetic resonance imaging
Background The straight leg raise test (SLR) is one of the most utilized and studied physical
tests in patients with low back pain (LBP) for the detection of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) …
tests in patients with low back pain (LBP) for the detection of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) …